Beautiful Female


Fish Addict
May 28, 2006
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Well today I went into my LFS to get some Java Moss and while I was waiting for the guy to catch this other womans fish I went over and looked in the tank where they keep the female veils. I looked in and all i saw was a blueish female and went to turn away when something darted accross the tank, I looked back in and it was a small multicolored female black and white with black fins, she was beautiful and I really wanted to get her but I have no room so my sister said she should get her cause she wants one for her apartment but decided against it, If I werent spending all my money on breeding killies I would go in there and buy her and a tank for sure. I've never seen one like that in any petstores around here and I really wanted her but oh well :(
Go back and get her's just one more betta tank! ;) Just kidding. I know how you feel. If I got every betta I wanted I would have more water in my house than air! :lol:
Yea thats what I always think, "it would just be one more betta tank" but then I think about how I should be doing water changes at least every week and I havent done any in the betta tanks in at least 2 weeks :/ , And now that I've thought about how long its been tomorrow I'm gonna be doing water changes like crazy. and I dont think my mom would let me get another tank because I already have to get another 5.5 gallon tank to raise the betta fry in. Its just so crazy how much stuff I'm gonna need in the next 2 weeks. And I'm all stressed out because I e-mailed the woman thats gonna send the killies probably 4 days ago and she hasnt gotten back to me so it makes me worry that something happend to her or she's swindled me out of my money. I hope the rewards of breeding killies outweighs the stressfulness.
:lol: Its OK you need to be calm. Dont worry if you havent changed all your bettas..I do mine on a rotation system I also keep a bucket (special as hubby kept using my other one)with water in hidden in the kitchen :lol: .If I find a betta in a shop that I just love I buy it! I have 2 bettas at the moment swimming happily about in plastic storage boxes I got them for 99p. from a cheap shop and they are see through! :shout:
On the other hand if that girly is sooo beautiful someone who loves bettas as much as you do has probably bought her and she is living in a 10 gallon tank sitting on a golden throne and eating live food every day! So shes OK. Your fishes thro the post you cant do anything about so dont worry, be happy :good:
Well I have good news, I couldnt stand it any longer so I went to my LFS to buy that stunning female and she was still there so I got her and my sister was with me and she rescued a betta that has swim bladder disease thats a brother to my Red DT. Shes feeding him pea now so he should be good. The female is doing great in the 10 gallon, she settled right into the group. The only thing that she has trouble with is shes so much smaller than all of the other fish so she gets knocked around a little bit at feeding time but nothing serious and she still gets her food. Also the woman wrote me back about the killies and she's sending them in the mail today(monday) and I should get them maybe wednesday. I already took a few pics of the new female but they were bad so when my dad gets home with the digital I will try to take some better ones. It was so cool when i brought her home she was practically white but when I put her in she instantly turned to her jet black color and I realized that she has the lipstick thing like synirrs blondie has. My girls is more orange though. Well be on the lookout for pics.
I'm glad you got her, Loko!!!!! :good: I can't wait to see pics of her. She sounds beautiful!!!!

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