bbs culture


Fish Addict
Apr 12, 2004
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hey i just bought some bs eggs ann i put them in a 1 gallon bowl, then i added the air stone,then i added the 4 tablesoons of salt and stirred. then added 2 tablespoons of the bs eggs. then i added a table spoon of yeast and its been 18 hours and it looks like nothing has happened.
i bet most of the eggs arent going anyhwere in the bowl. you need to have a soda bottle with an airline coming from the bottle cap so the eggs are constantly suspended. using a bowl you will get an extrwemely low hatch rate. 4 tbl of salt is not enough for 1 gallon either. why did you add yeast? i know people feed the bbs yeast to gut load them but not till a while after they have hatched.
you either need to set them in a warm window or get a heater so they will hatch within a day. if they arent warm enough it could take a week for them to hatch.
then how much salt do i add into a bottle and how many bs eggs
8 tbsp of salt per gallon. i dont think it matters on the eggs-just however may you need. i would go with 2 tsp though as opposed to 2 tbsp.
As Jac said, I use an old 2L plastic bottle with the bottom cut off. Then to aerate I have a piece of rigid airline tubing attached to the airline to the air pump then an air stone at the end of the rigid tubing and just put it in so the airstone sits in the lid of the bottle (or what used to be the lid, it's now the bottom of the hatchery). I then put 1 pint of water and 2 tsp of Kosher salt (any aquarium salt is fine too but Kosher is cheaper at the grocery store, just be sure not to use normal table salt). I then put in 1/8th to 1/4 tsp of eggs depending on how much I need. What are you feeding that you would need 2 tsps? Keep in mind they are only good for 1 day, after that they start to die and lose their nutritional value. So if you want a daily supply you need to have a couple of hatcheries going (I have 2 when I need them everyday). I also keep mine between 75-80F and they have all hatched after 24 hours.

WHOA!!!!! I use absolutely no salt in hatching my brine shrimp and raise the PH. It works I promise ya go to that is where I got it from.NO SALT NEEDED TO HATCH. I also dont use a soda bottle either I have a high hatch rate with keeping the water moving. I bought a 1 litre tuperware bowl drilled 5 holes a 1/4" big and then added 4 airstones. same as using a pop bottle. no still water. 85-95% hatch rate. Read this man's site, he has experimented and he will give ya some cool ideas. I dont think everything he does is the best , but he has some great ideas.
Yea, I've read that before, he uses baking soda rather than salt. I've thought about trying it, but hey, I'm doing fine with what I'm doing, so figure I don't need to fix what aint broke, hehe. I'll probably try it sometime just for the exprience and in case I ever find myself without salt, it could be a nice backup.

shrks1fan said:
Yea, I've read that before, he uses baking soda rather than salt. I've thought about trying it, but hey, I'm doing fine with what I'm doing, so figure I don't need to fix what aint broke, hehe. I'll probably try it sometime just for the exprience and in case I ever find myself without salt, it could be a nice backup.

Baking soda isnt needed if your PH Is high enough, My pointis why waste salt when you dont need it LOL ;)
Well one time I accidentally didn't put nearly enough salt in my hatchery (had a brain cramp) and I got practically no hatch I seriously doubt having no salt and no baking soda would work then (I thought maybe it was the baking soda that was replacing the salt). But if someone here trys it without salt then let us know, but I'm a skeptic at this point, hehe.

I do it without salt and just a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.....I was skeptical at first becasue they are called brine shrimp....also nothing like doing a batch for yourself and seeing first hand. :thumbs: when i first tried it I did 2 batches, and they both had about the same amount of hatch rate. I could not count them by any means but I tried to use the same amount of BBS eggs and tried to see the amount of hatches and also tried a batch with baking soda with salt and compared to just baking soda and got what looked like the same amount.
I think the hatch rate depends on the PH more than the salinity from what I have read. I do plan on trying a hatch with a ph of 6.5 (no salt or baking soda)compared to plain baking soda and see the difference. And also a low PH w/salt against a baking soda only hatch. My theory is that the PH is what causes the hatch to happen.

also looking at your previous post earlier it could be your local water may have a lower PH than mine, and it could be that either a PH or salinity causes the hatch rate to happen. My ph is pretty high out of the tap here and that may have helped with the hatch rate. I would be interested in seeing more studies on this too LOL.....

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