Well I finally got the fuge in place today, finished off the holes and piping on the tank and now I'm just salting up the water in the fuge. Tomorrow the slat level will be the same and water will match up with the tank so I can put the pump in the tank and add the extra bit of water to set it all in motion
Anyway heres the pics:
Fuge, empty atm and has the pump in there circulating water round while I add salt.
Side hold in the hood for the return pipes.
Side hole from the outside with return pipes.
Return pipes into the tank. Notice the one and only "Crabicus Mysterio" sitting out of the water on the top right compartment......
The return pipe under water.
This is the hole in the back up the hood for the pipe going from the tank to the fuge.
Full tank shot (planted tank needs trimming up)
Favorite spot in the whole house
Crabicus Mysterio again, but what is that in his claws...
... that would be one of the other crabs I did have in there then... this guy is definetly going into the fuge tomorrow.
This is my only clown now. I think the other one got to close to Crabicus