Barneys 160l Planted Tank Using Ada Substrate/ferts - Journal

At the moment its just 7 sprays of Brightly K every day and 7 sprays of Step 1 3 times a week (reason I went for ada is because its nice and simple :) ).

I'm going to start lightly dosing NO3 and maybe phosphate to see what effect that has but the plants are all doing pretty good as it is. The aponogeton (it is definitely this and not a crypt like I thought originally) now has a second flower forming (sprung up overnight from nowhere!) :)
Thanks for the info, it'll be interesting to see what effects the extra dosing has
Very quick update as I havent done one for awhile. I think I'm winning the war with the staghorn algae and the majority of it has gone now. I have started dosing KNO3 and Potasium phosphate which I think the tank is lacking.

The shrimp are multiplying like crazy now and most of the fish are doing fine. I have lost two flame tetras over the last couple of weeks though and I do not know why. they developed dropsy but water parameters are all normal and the whiptail which is probably the most sensitive fish in there is perfectly fine, the silvertips are all ok as well. I think the Flame tetras may not have been the best of batchs as I did have two with deformed mouths (one of these was one that died).

I have a pair of Rams which are very pretty and have been in the tank a few weeks now. They are paired up and really well coloured.

I have just started a nano reef tank as well which is next to my planted one and should look really good one its running.

Anyway enough boring text here are some pics (not too many close ups as there is still a fair amount of staghorn which ain't pretty :) ):

Tank Overview shot

Baby red Cherry Shrimp (about 5mm big)

My little girl ;)

My soon to be nano reef
I like the whole look of the tank, it looks very jungley (my made up word) and has an effect of a clearing in a jungle. I also like you Ram, very nice.

I'm looking forward to your new nano reef. Something I'd like to try, but haven't got the money yet.

Nice tank :) careful the blue light from the reef tank doesn't cause algae in your planted tank!

How easy is breeding the cherry shrimp? Ive got 5 and was hoping they would breed so I would stock my other tanks with them.

I see you've got a bit of staghorn? Ever through of excel treatment? Worked a treat in two of my tanks. Just a thought. Although it will kill finer leaved plants so might not be possible if thats riccia I see in your tank.

The cherry shrimp seem dead easy to breed. I started off with 12 and it took a couple of months before I saw the first pregnent one. I did see a couple of smaller shrimp appear from nowhere before this but never any real baby sized ones.

Now though there are loads of them ranging in size from about 3mm to 1-2cm. It nice because when I first got them I hardly saw any. Now they are al over the tank :) I'm going to get some bumble bee shrimp as well in the very near future which are also apprently fairly easy to breed.

I had a pretty bad outbreak of staghorn because the filter messed up and cut the water circulation right down (and screwed up the CO2 as well). I have got everything stable again now and it is dying off. I'm going to give it another couple of weeks and if it still isnt completely gone I will dose excel. Just wanted to make sure that I had actually fixed the cause of it first though so it doesnt come back.
Great tank mate, Im enjoying following along witht the progress.
I have my first baby fish! :D

Was doign a massive rescape on the tank today when I saw this little guy. All my fish have been displaying spawning behaviour for ages but I have never seen any egg's. This guy cant be that old as he still has part of the yoke sack attached to him. Havent seen anymore but there are lots of places they could hide. Also with that many tetras in the tank I'm suprised any egg's made it that far :)

Anyway here the the baby flame tetra :)

No pics of the rest of the tank at the moment as it is a bit of a mess while I gradually rescape it a little.
I did clean my canister filter out today as well and found about 20 cherry shrimp in there :)
Couple of updated photos. Not much of the plants again but my rams have just laid eggs! :)

Anyway straight into the pics:



Proud daddy! :)


Whiptail, I can never get a good picture of him, he always has at least half of his body hidden up :)


Ram eggs

There is a picture of her about 9 posts back. With these ones its fairly easy to sex them as the female has a bright pink belly.

Other then that the male has two extended dorsal spinals at the front (much more so then the females). This might not help with longfinned rams though (I have never seen them before, got any pictures as I bet they are very pretty).
I like them! Had never seen a long finned variety before. That does make sexing them more difficult though!

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