Fish Aficionado
The Silvertips are quiet aggressive amongst themselves but seem to leave the shrimp and flame tetras alone. That being said I would never put them in with anything that had longer fins or with anything that would be stressed by fish constantly fighting. Think of them like smaller tiger barbs
I found another bug in my tank today Guessing if tehre where two that I did see there must be more that I dont. I think all my fish are still there and I still have at least 4 shrimp left but it is very hard to count them all (the all hide really well and the only time you see all the fish is when they are feeding. Trying to count 16 fast moving fish is next to impossible ).
Really should have rinsed/dipped my plants, I only ever worried about snails though (which I can live with), never thought about any other types of critters coming in
I found another bug in my tank today Guessing if tehre where two that I did see there must be more that I dont. I think all my fish are still there and I still have at least 4 shrimp left but it is very hard to count them all (the all hide really well and the only time you see all the fish is when they are feeding. Trying to count 16 fast moving fish is next to impossible ).
Really should have rinsed/dipped my plants, I only ever worried about snails though (which I can live with), never thought about any other types of critters coming in