Hi guys. I have three bamboo shrimps, and I regularly see only 2 at once for a week, third one is often molting for few days and hiding (and they do it quite often, but I have a higher temp). It is important to have a good cover, pieces of wood or something these large creatures can hide under. it is not hard to feed them at all, I do not feed them specifically, I just feed the fish on the surface, the fish eat it, circulate it, the shrimp stands in the filter output and picks up the crumbs. Signs that the shrimp is hungry and does not have enough food are, when you see them running around on the substrate and picking food up. They are not afraid of fish at all, they will run over them, they sit on the snails sometimes and eat algae wafers that I feed them and cories.
They spend hours sitting at one spot, but always with fans out, filtering. it is not uncommon to see them sitting statically, filters closed and not moving, that is their resting time. If you have more cover, you wont see them at all, as they preferer to rest in safety.
I read though they are social creatures, that is why I have three, if you have only one and not good enough places to hide since it is using an uncovered leaf as the best spot it could find, it is maybe good idea to restructure and/or get another one to keep it company. They always hang out together
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Hope this info helped a bit. I have not seen them for 5 days after I brought them home at all for example, and the week after that it was only twitches of fans while they were hidden. Once they are comfortable, they are more outgoing