Ball Park

I'm not a fish breeder so I'm not really equipped to answer some of your questions. I doubt the lack of salt caused ammonia spikes. Ammonia is created by the decomposition of organic matter. Everything from leaves to dead animals. Water speeds the decomposition and soaks that ammonia down into the ground, and eventually to your well. The softener removes solids from your water. Like metals and lime, things that don't decompose. You will be fine if your ammonia, from your tap, spikes every now and then. Just check it before you do water changes.
If you have an ace hardware near by they usually have pure ammonia to help your cycle along. See if your LFS will give a bag with some gravel from one of their aquariums in it. Take it home and put it in a sock or legging. Then drop it in your tank. That will help your cycle along.
Lazy bf =still no salt in softener. Lol. I tested well water again and now ammo is at .50. So the rise in ammo in my well water must have been due to the rain. And i have already gotten my answer on the betta or otherwise and i wont be doing that! But i still think i will get betta after tank is done cycling. Thank you everyone!

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