Balancing pH and N in planted tank

This is a good bit of info to know, it's something I did not expect to see with my water parameters (high pH relatively high GH), so I definitely know to keep an eye on it now! Thanks!
excess sulfate stays in the water. And in my aquarium this causes the PH to drop. If I don't do anything the PH will drop below 5. In your case your water probably has excess potassium. That would push the PH up.
Now there is something utterly new to me. I didn't know that potassium is going to raise my pH. I mean it makes sense, I have just never thought about it in an aquarium context. Indeed, I had absolutely not thought about what else might be in there that could be building up despite realizing that this is part of why water is changed.

I do weekly water changes, and I understand that part of this is to deal with the concentrating solutes that are the result of natural evaporation. I suppose in the case of this aquarium I need to think of myself as battling the formation of an alkali salt pan and change out more water every week. That's a good new perspective. And I might test the K too. Thanks!

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