bala sharks


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2004
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i wanna know if bala sharks and agreesive to my fish (bunch of tetras, bunch of barbs, and 3 cories, and scum my little algee sucker), the guy at the petshop said they are and I read on a website that they are not, room in my aquarium is not a problem its 6 feet long
Bala are actually very Peacefull Fish!!...depspite the way it looks and what its named. Its a great Community fish If you have the space. In the past I have kept my Balas with all kinds of small tetras to silver dollars to even guppies even angelfish, and they did not mind them at all agian very peaceful. I would say go right ahead they will be a wonderful addition to your tank!! :nod: :nod:

Just look at My Sig.....Everyone is happy and unharmed.!! :D
i see you have 2 bala sharks would 1 be good enouph still planing to add alot more fish
I would Just get one yes :nod: even though they like to be in groups I am sure it will be fine for a while. :) but I think you can get 2...what otherfish are you planning on getting?

In the Winter all of My balas (There are more than what my sig. Says) Are going to go into a 125g tank with all of my Big angelfish. :D

So the tank is going to be just Balas and Angelfish :nod:
i don't know yet what other fish i gonna get i got a 200g aquarium with 6 tiger barbs, 7 neon tetras, 6 redeye tetras, 1 blackneon tetra (can't figure out where he came from) 3 cherry barbs, 3 corys (albino, spoted, and a brown one), chinise algae eater and 3 zebra danios. im just gonna get one bala shark for now, and see where im going from there, angel fish are nice but i heard that the tiger barbs would probably bite there fins off
You can get 3 to 7 Balas if you want with no Problems. :)

I have Barbs with my Angelfish....and no problems. You just have to put the barbs in a big group so they stay together and when they do that they really dont care about the other fish...... this is just from My experience. I feel they need a big tank to shoal together and be in a group of 6 or more for them not to get bored and start to mess with the other fish.
Yes, barbs and angels do not usually mix well.

I would say that you should really get more than one bala. IMO it's not fiar and it's not like you don't have the space.
I really do advise you to get more than 1 also. At least 3. With a 200 GALLONS :S :hyper: you sure do have room for them to grow to full size and live a long and happy life.

Be aware of what has happened to us - we had planned to add another shark to our set-up but got all carried away in the mean time and filled the tank with others that caught our eye till we are at/near/over capacity and I dont dare add another now!!! Oops. :unsure:

They are shy, nervious, peaceful and GREAT fish.

Best of luck, and go for it!!!!!!!!!!! :fish: :fish: :fish:
Stingray Kid:

Bala sharks can reach 35 cm's or 13" maximum.


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