Bala Shark


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2008
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Hi can enyone help. I have 3 bala sharks and they look sick they are not feeding and just do nothing when i first purchused them from pets at home 2 died after 2 days so i took them back and they replaced them now 1 week later these look liveless shop says they have not had any died so must be my tank but my water is fine 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 10 nitrate ph 7.5 and all other fish are fine my tank is a 180 litre and have 8 neons 4 mollys 5 tiger barbs 2 sord tails 4 cory cat and 1 plec thanks :angry:
Any symtoms to go on.
Do they look pale or darker in colour,
Are they listless and lethagic.
Any sign of flicking and rubbing.
Bala sharks need larger tanks how big are they.
Any symtoms to go on.
Do they look pale or darker in colour,
Are they listless and lethagic.
Any sign of flicking and rubbing.
Bala sharks need larger tanks how big are they.
No i have not noticed any of these but have noticed 1 has redish fins and they are about 2 ins
What size are they. I noticed this at pet stores. Some will sell 2-3 different size ballas. The smaller ones are pretty delicate, but the 2-3 size always works a charm.
Septicemia is blood poisoning, caused by dirty water and bacteria entering the fish through wounds,
Septicemia hard to cure once its advanced.
Need location for a med.
Septicemia is blood poisoning, caused by dirty water and bacteria entering the fish through wounds,
Septicemia hard to cure once its advanced.
Need location for a med.
I am on the wirral what can be wrong with water if ammonia nitrite and nitrate are all fine
Its septicemia if water quality is good.
Anti internal bacteria med by interpet, but if the septicemia to advanced the med won't cure it, as its only good on mild bacteria infections.
Antibiotics but only to be used in issolation as the antibiotic wipes the benefical bacteria out in your filter.
Its septicemia if water quality is good.
Anti internal bacteria med by interpet, but if the septicemia to advanced the med won't cure it, as its only good on mild bacteria infections.
Antibiotics but only to be used in issolation as the antibiotic wipes the benefical bacteria out in your filter.
thanks alot would these fish have septicemia when i purchused them and will it spred to other fish
They could have already been ill at the lfs, if fish have septicemia its best to issolate them as the bacteria from the fish can enter the tank infecting other fish.
They could have already been ill at the lfs, if fish have septicemia its best to issolate them as the bacteria from the fish can enter the tank infecting other fish.
I have no means of issolateing these fish as i have only this 1 tank anything else i can do ?

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