Scarlett hates Pisces. I don't know what to do but just take her out and condition them for another week or 2. *sighs* His bubblenest had gotten HUGE too. It was 2-3 times the size of the cup. At least I know he's into it.
How long did you have them together? I had one of my females flare and chase around the male for a couple of days before she spawned for the first time in the end she did give in to his charm and has since then produced a second spawn to him this time within 24 hours!
I had her in the cup for 3 days...and then I let her out for 3ish days. He'll flare at her but she's just like "Whatever." and doesn't even pay attention to him. His bubble nest was gigantic! I wish I had taken a picture. I put her back in a one gallon bowl inside the tank.
Ok...the thing male seems to be chillin under the bubble nest and looks like he's picking things up and putting things in the nest. Could they have spawned? She kinda looks less plump...but she looks like she's still holding eggs. If they did spawn...the bubble nest is dissipating quickly, right now its half it's size. I'm scared that if they did spawn...the babies won't survive in the nest. Ugh. This is hard.
But they have to fancy each other! She's the only female I have! *cries* I don't want to go through the crap of searching aquabid and paying another $30. Maybe I'll try my other male if it turns out they didn't spawn.
If they did spawn and only a few eggs survive...I hope they're females because I would be so attached to them watching a couple of babies grow as opposed to a hundred.
Edit: I went up the nest and stuck my face really close to the glass and squinted to see if I saw any eggs. And guess what I saw!?!?!? FRY! Not eggs...but FRY! I saw a little guy sorta float down..and then swim with all his might back up to the nest! He was cute!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! If my cam wasn't crap I would be able to show you but...omg I have FRY!
Congratulations. Glad they spawned for you. Enjoy the babies. Now for the next month or so they'll only be mouths that go to the bathroom. Enjoy all the water changes.
I would wait at least a week to make sure none are hiding in plants as these guys are sooo tiny, its easy to miss them.
I just had a spawn hatch the other day and had fry last night. This morning none are in sight but I have riccia in there so I'm not emptying the spawn tank for a week yet in case they are hiding.
You will need to re-condition them for at least a week, preferably 2 for them to be in tip top condition
There are no plants. The tank is completely empty, the bubble nest is nearly gone, and the male is hanging out on the other side of the tank with no interest in the square inch of nest left. It seems like the nest he built wasn't strong enough, or something.