BAH I must vent

You really need to get a test kit yourself. If you are going to keep the type of fish mentioned then you have to be able to know what is going on in your tank at all times. Nitrite has a devastating effect on angels and although sometimes they pull through they are very weak and quite easily will become diseased. I dont know if i missed it or what but what is the tank size, how long has it been set up and what are the current occupants? With that info perhaps we can help you come to a good solution for your problem. :)
I had one but the strips ran out. I got another beta after the last one I had died and a red tail shark. It is 29 gallon with a crab, bamboo shrimp, 1 angel, beta, bala shark will get more soon, and 2 blue gouramis. I will get rid of the sharks when they get to big. I didnt have the angels during the nitrite problem. It has been set up for 6 weeks I believe. I dont know if I have a problem anymore. The only fish that have died is the beta, and bala shark. I had 2 clown loaches but one jumped out of the tank and my dog ate it and the other died as soon as I got it out of the decoration. The only fish that keep dieing are the angels so it is the stores problem. Everything else I think is fine. I guess at first I thought something was up but maybe not. What do you think of this situation?
Hello there,
:huh: I am also sorry for your loss.
If you are going to make this a hobby, and you want to provide the best care of those fish you really need to get a complete test kit, I am not sure that the test strips really get the best results, or if you absolutely cant then have the lfs test it thoroughly. Watch them do it. Write down your results, and I would let the tank be for a couple weeks before you are buying any more fish. I know that is hard. But test it and then do a weekly water change of about 20-25% Is this your first tank and is it just over six weeks old? Just because the fish didnt die during the spike, doesnt mean that didnt weaken them. Hope we can help, Angel
Well I thin k everything is fine. The spike was 3 weeks ago and I just got a replacement for the angel fish, another bala. Everyhting is fine so far and I also got a dinosour eal. I am going to watch the tank now and will test it. I want to do some more for the tank but my dad does not think it is worth it. I will test tomorrow and I am oging to do a water change soon.

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