Bae's Planted Tank Journal Aka The Rockpool

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awsome i may get some off him then
heres some pics



heres with vallis and java moss carpet


yeah i am injecting co2 but i like the air stone ime gunna use easy carbo aswell will this be gassed off aswell
cool ime ordering some soon

does any one else have any comments so i can work on them
yeah i would defo turn the air off, kind of defeating the object of injecting co2 by agitating the water surface and introducing so much oxygen into the water
yeah but i also have a spray bar so will that do the same thing if so should i stop injecting as i put half a tube of co2 in yesterday afternoon and theres still 1 qaurter of the tube still got c02 in
Tank looks great :good:

There is no point in using pressurised carbon as well as liquid carbon, you have a pressurised kit so let that do the work. Also you have a lot of vallis and it isn't supposed to do well in liquid carbon, don't know the science as I haven't looked into it but teats what I've heard.

Positioned well a spray bar on a filter can produce lots of circulation but very little surface movement, just place it under the waster surface and rotate it until surface movement is limited, ditch the airstone but you can use it in the evenings once your CO2 is turned off for display purposes and for photographing the tank.
ok ill sort out the sray bar and the mini filter for flow and could i have the airstone really low or would it do the same if so ill turn it off completely

aalso should i not use easy carbo then
If the CO2 is the right levels with the pressurised kit then you don't need liquid carbon. Are you using a drop checker?

It would be better to turn the air stone off most of the time, Co2 can leave the water very easily with surface movement. But at the end of the day if you can afford the extra CO2 and are able to keep the levels high enough with an air stone running then its up to you.
Tank looks great :good:

There is no point in using pressurised carbon as well as liquid carbon, you have a pressurised kit so let that do the work. Also you have a lot of vallis and it isn't supposed to do well in liquid carbon, don't know the science as I haven't looked into it but teats what I've heard.

Positioned well a spray bar on a filter can produce lots of circulation but very little surface movement, just place it under the waster surface and rotate it until surface movement is limited, ditch the airstone but you can use it in the evenings once your CO2 is turned off for display purposes and for photographing the tank.
dosing both is better than one or the other due to the surface agitation, vallis is fine as long as you stick to the recommended dose, ive double dosed with no problems

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