Badger's 150g Rio Negro/Orinoco Flooded Rain Forest

Well, here we go. Tore down the rainbowfish tank today and mucked everything out. Ever mucked out a four-year-old, densely stocked tank with a dirt substrate? Not too fun. But tomorrow comes the fun part: Building a new scape. The badgerling and I went out to the desert a couple days ago and found some extremely picturesque, anciently dead wood, and I've been stockpiling play sand, rocks, and other supplies. Tomorrow, a new journey begins! Stay tuned for pics.

Here's the plan. This is not going to be a strict biotope by any means. All the fish will be from northern South America, and most of the plants.

6 Blue angelfish (possibly reducing to a pair eventually, depending on what sort of personalities I get)
10 red phantom tetra
10 platinum hatchetfish
4-5 common whiptail catfish
9 adofo cories

Plants: (I usually start off with a ton of plant species, and see which ones adapt to the setup over time. Usually some die out and others become dominant)
Java fern (left over from the rainbow tank; used on wood work to complete the rainforest look)
Christmas moss
Dwarf lily
Spiral val
Melon sword
dwarf chain sword
dwarf sag
Whatever else looks good tomorrow when I order plants. :)
Where do you order plants from?
Where do you order plants from?
Lots of places. Ebay (make sure you order from a store with a good rep, quarantine the plants for a week or two, and prepare for interesting inverts!) and are my most common sources.
with my weather, I think I will have to wait til fall if it has to be shipped.
I really want some large anubias but the temps are all 80s-90s...
High won't be below 100 here for a week to 10 days. I am checking to see if the local Aquarium Plant Club survived Covid.... where I got a lot of starts a couple of years ago
What's TWS? I've been longing for albino giant danios. Once standard and always for sale,now havent seen one in two years or more.
Nice selection, T!

Another member here was just looking for MH, but couldn't find any...even at TWS?....maybe they just got them in?

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