Hey people im fairly new to Bettas i have hade a male for a couple of weeks now in a 10 gall tank with a couple of corys.At the weekend i went to my lfs (not the one i normally use ) i was looking for a couple of fish for my daughters aquarium which has been up and running for a couple of months now.In there i have 5 neon tetra,2 corys .I was told that i could put gourami and male Betters in there no problem,so away i came with 2 honey gourami and a fantastic male Betta,i watched them in their new home for a while when id finally got them acclimatised(spelling) to the water they seemd to swim about together .2 days later i noticed my Better coverd in white spot and hiding away,when he did come out the gourami were chasing him.I have now rehomed him in a spare heated tank i have.My problem is i dont know what fish to put in my daughters tank with the gouramis,i want a nice selection of fish as she has the tank in her bedroom cos shes very sick and has been bed bound for 3 years so she just loves to watch her fish.Has anyone any ideas please?