Enthusiastic "Re-Beginner"
Among the many unknowns, one of the biggest will be the thing we never know: how many Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira cells happen to have shot in to eagle's tank on the day of the fill from the particular set of pipes that feed his home. As a watcher of a lot of threads I can contribute that it is important to be aware that we see some fishless cycles (standard ammonia ones with no MM or BB added) where the first ammonia drop occurs rapidly, within the first days or week, then the nitrite spike occurs and is a week or less and then the drops near zeros or actually has a qualification week and looks finished around 3 weeks or a little more. If we see that sort of timing here, it might or might not be due to the BB, if it is faster than that we might suspect the BB has contributed. In either case, if we see a fishless cycle seem to complete in less than a month then we still have to be suspect about how it will perform in the acid test of the big water change and first stocking and whether we then see any mini-spiking that would indicate poor biofilter performance.