A little late for the final results for the end of Day 8, but here they are.
Day 8, 5/7/11 - 22:30 - pH: 8.2ish, NH3: 0-0.25ppm (closer to 0ppm), NO2: 0ppm, NO3: very close to 80ppm, temp: 85F
Well, I am now seeing a slight drop in pH, and I am wondering if it might be related to the higher amounts of nitrates. Secondly, the ammonia levels have dropped very close to 0 in the last 24 hours, and still NOT A TRACE of nitrites, aside from the one night with a slight purple in the very bottom of the tube, but when reshaken, it blended in with the blue.
I was becoming extremely skeptical of the BB (as I know many on this board are), based on the lack of nitrates showing up as the ammonia was disappearing. BUT, now that I have corrected the nitrate test, things seem to be falling in line with the linked "study" by Barry a few pages back. That study showed that ammonia and nitrite were supposed to be zeros by Day 10. I am on Day 8, soon to be Day 9. I am now dosing the ammonia back up to 4ppm tonight. We shall see in 24 hours where the levels are.
SafeStart link from Seapets Aquatics
The link above I believe is comparing to a fish-in cycle (I think), I'm not really sure how they went about creating the graph on the page. Perhaps they did a true fish-in cycle (but I'm not sure how a fish could survive the amounts of ammonia sited on that graph. Perhaps they added a bit of ammonia daily (something like 0.25ppm-0.50ppm), in an attempt to mimic a fish-in cycle, and by day 10, the ammonia levels were zero. Ironically, it does NOT focus on the nitrite at all, either as an oversight or by design. I haven't seen a single spike in nitrite, not even ONCE.
I am becoming a bit of a believer that the product may actually be working, and that I might actually be ending phase 2 of the cycle (as defined by waterdrop) in a day or two more.
from waterdrop:
Of course, you are not yet even at anything we could declare as the end of the 2nd phase, even if the BB was pushing you silently past the signs that mark the gateway between the first and second phase. The thing that says you've moved from first phase to second phase is that ammonia is always processsed from 4-5ppm to zero ppm within 24 hours and that nitrite(NO2) has spiked high (we of course suspect the BB may have eliminated the big spike, but we can't rule out that it has just been delayed, either.) The thing that says you have moved from the second to the third phase is that -both- ammonia and nitrite(NO2) are dropping from 4-5ppm daily ammonia dosing to zero ppm of both substances within 24 hours. So what we're watching for is this double-zero within 24 hours to see if the BB has helped accomplish this in less than 3 weeks, which would be quite good in my book.
Folks, I know there is a LOT of skepticism about these products on this board, and these results are but a mere blip on the radar of all the fishless and fish-in cycles that have been performed. I started this thread in an effort to find some evidence either in favor OR against these products. KISSfn has tried SafeStart, One and Only and finally Turbo Start, and had no success reported that it actually did anything to reduce his ammonia. But, his "trial" was a fish-in cycle. This is a fishLESS cycle. I will also mention that I am GROSSLY overfiltering the tank. I have a Penguin 350 (rated for up to a 50-60 gallon tank, with just the biowheels, not the cartridges in place. I also have a air pump driven sponge filter (rated up to 50 gallons) in place as well. (I will mention again, that I do not have a substrate in place as of right now. I don't really think that matters as the amount of bacteria that colonizes that part of the tank would be minimal compared to the other two options.) That's a TON of filtration for a little 10 gallon tank. This may or may not play a huge role in this test. Perhaps it does, as the amount of oxygen available to these bacteria (from whereever they came) is substantially more than would be available if I were cycling the 56 gallon tank I will be getting shortly (on backorder currently). Perhaps that plays a huge role in the process. I am doing it this way, because the things I've read about cycling says that you need to provide as much surface agitation as possible and as much oxygen as you can get. I am getting HUGE agitation, as evidenced by the fact that I am losing about a liter or so of water to evaporation on a daily basis (certainly this is playing a role in the ammonia disappearance as well, and could be wholly responsible for the ammonia drop - but would NOT account for the rise in nitrates). Nitrates would only be introduced as far as I know by the bacteria breaking down the ammonia.
I am considering doing a 100% water change (except for the water in the filters) to remove the vast majority of the nitrates in the tank, to try to track their rise more closely throughout a day (maybe next weekend). Does anyone believe that would be a worthwhile effort, or would it be completely fruitless. My science background would indicate to me that the more data available the better for analyzing what is going on.
I am not near a conclusion yet, but the evidence so far is lining up in a clear way right now. (I've disclosed as much information as I can to folks for the purpose of allowing each individual to judge the results for themselves. After all, it is an individual decision about whether or not you are going to purchase a BB product or not. And I am in no way suggesting that this exercise will definitively "prove" anything. I would love to see other cycles logged like this, in order to build a more extensive library of cycles with the products. I have no doubt that the majority of them are probably crap, probably because they focus on nitrobacter as the N-bac, and not nitrospira as Dr. Tim has shown is the dominant nitrifying bacteria in a home aquarium set-up. But, it might just be possible that a few of these products COULD work, if properly handled from the manufacturer until it reaches the consumer. (That is a BIG if, by the way.) Maybe I am getting lucky. Maybe the cycle will stall soon. I don't know. I will continue to update it as it goes along for any and all who are interested in the results, whether good or bad.