
Thomas A. Anderson

Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2002
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Regardless of your own opinions as to the benefit of adding bottled bacteria to ones tank to assist in cycling, should I continue to add this when I do my water changes?
i have used it in water changes, it does state on the bottle to use with each water change, the reason i first used it was because one of my filters broke, and i had to replace with a sponge filter so i used it to help boost
the bactiria, i only use it ocasionly now, some peeps say it works and others say not,
Well if it has already cycled then in my opinion you do not need to add the "cycle" to the tank each waterchange. So long as you don't change the filter. If you need to wash the filter then only wash it out with some of the used water which you are removing from your tank.

Hope to help!
I never add it with water changes. As long as you are not doing a massive,(over 50 percent), change, I don't see a problem
I have used bottled bacteria before, for 2 of my tank setups. And to be honest i think its a complete waist of money, it dosent work at all. Only time is what you need.
My 40 gallon tank took a month to 6 weeks to cycle, i had nothing but problems with it, i find the more you do to help the problem like putting bacteria into the water, the worse it gets, so its best to leave it and let nature take its course. It settles down eventually.
I have been into tropical fishkeeping for over a year now. And the amount i have learnt over the past year is incredible, you learn something new in this hobbie, everyday, thats why i love it so much, because your learning all the time, its not like riding a bike, you just get on a bike and cycle off well hopefully :crazy: but with this hobbie its so interesting and fasanating, i will never give it up now.
I am completely hooked :D

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