Back With A Bang..

Hmm, I really like the Gramma though. Does anybody else have problems with this fish? And ben - What does he actually do wrong?
My Gramma is well behaved towards all the fish in my tank. It's only similar fish in appearance that they are likely to attack out of anything other than defence of themselves or their cave :good: The issue with the Gramma and Dottyback is that they are similar looking fish...

All the best
Hmm, I really like the Gramma though. Does anybody else have problems with this fish? And ben - What does he actually do wrong?

he bullied a wrasse really bad, the wrasse jumped out :( He just picked on anything his size.

Orchid dottys are a lot nicer fish, a lot calmer. twice the price though :(

i have a royal gramma now, lovely fish. Friendly and gets on with everyone
So should I keep the gramma or not? Lol, I do love it - Ive always wanted one its been on my original stocking list from the start. Just a little question, im picking the tank up tommorow, it will come with rock etc. But im just wondering if I can keep the fish in a tub with a peice of LR and a heater and a airstone for a day or so until I get the tank cycled, and possibly if there ok like that - keep them in it until my readings are all ok? The corals are not a problem as I can put them in my dads tank.

What about keeping the fish in the tub?

And I think the dottyback and the damsal will be going to a LFS. Hopefully they'll give me store credit!
should be fine, mine have been in a tub with a few bits of live rock overnight a few times. Just make sure theres some flow and a heater. Id maybe have a water change for it mixed up just to be sure though. You can get 40L gorilla tubs from B&Q, they are what i use.
Yeah I think I have one of them, However I was thinking more of a tub that my sand came in?
Well, if thats the case I think ill be able to use the 40ltr with a couple peices of LR, heater + powerhead, does that sound ok? It could be up to a couple of weeks for the readings to all settle as the rock might be out of the water for about an hour.

Yes that will be fine. An hour you might get aay with too. Wrap up the rock in news paper and then wet the paper. Then it stays damp.

If they are in that temp thing a long time, it may be worth doing a water change every now and again and maybe hook up a little internal.
I will do a water change every other day. I think I will put all the rock in a tub, and then put some water at the bottom of the tub so when we are driving it splashs around and keeps wetting the rocks. We are setting off about half 9! Lots of photos later on ;)
Tanks in place, took us 3 hours to get it up the stairs! In the end my dad got his mate to come round and give us a hand, then we got locked out! Oh the joy.. But its all in place JUST and everything is ok. Water is still mixing up, corals+fish+rock is in a big tub with water from the existing water from the tank. Looks brilliant, the rocks are HUGE! So wont take long scaping which im fairly happy about.
Ehhh, cough, cough, where are the photos of you all getting that tank in the house and upstairs????

Seffie x
Whoah, no chance of photos getting it up stairs lol, I got tons of stuff with the tank though. The salt is taking ages to mix up which is a pain as I would love to get the water and rock in tommorow but I highly doubt it. I carnt wait to get my chromis, anybody else have any fish that they would put in if they were me? Pictures will be up tommorow :good:

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