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Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2009
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Hello guys, if you remember me im sorry for your frustrations and trying to get me to understand that a 1/4 gallon isnt big enough for a betta. Well i still have my 10 and 5 gallons and after a water impurity getting in the tank my guppies died leaving 1 guppie fry which will be moved to the 5 gallon shortly, ive been wondering what predatoryal, comunity or other fish could go into a 10 gallon

-betta989 :hyper:
So you have an empty 10 gallon or is there already anything in it?

Rather than have people list fish that are suitable but that you may not like, you list what fish YOU like and what you think are suitable, and we can advise from there.

Please also tell us the dimensions of the tank.
Its empty its a 10 long, I was thinking shell dwellers, honey Gouramis, something bigger.
Okie i got the dimentions!!! :D 10 gallon 20" x 10" x 12"

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