Back To The Hobby... Cycling Question


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
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hi all,

i am new here... i just got back to the hobby after graduating college; i recently purchased a 30 gallon tank and i am in the midst of cycling the tank. I went to Pets Mart nearby my house and this young lady was tremendously helpful with everything; she was extremely knowledgeable and even recommended this forum :good: .

Anyhoo, I decided to do a fish-in cycle of the tank...ive bought a 10 zebra danios to keep it there;

Today after a week, i did my first water test; i got .25 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate, but my ph was off the roof...about 8.0; i recently put a ph down powder.

This morning however, i went to ANOTHER Pets mart which is a bit farther to my house, and this person told me NOT CHANGE any water as it will take out the beneficial bacteria. This has gotten me confused, as i thought i HAVE to change the water throughout the cycle.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated.
you definitely need to do WC to keep the ammonia levels down, as this will kill your fish.
what kind of filter do you have on the tank?
You have to do water changes in a tank when doing a traditional cycle with fish. Ignore the second shop, the woman at the first shop is giving you the proper info.
you definitely need to do WC to keep the ammonia levels down, as this will kill your fish.
what kind of filter do you have on the tank?

I have a 280 emperor was given to me; it was used before to house discus...i just put in the new filters as the old ones were pretty worn out...and they were unused for a few months. I figured any beneficial bacterias would have been dead by then.
indeed. the BB was no good, so a new filter was definitely in order.
if you plan to keep the danios, you will need to keep a test kit handy to test and change your water as neccesary (could be twice daily) to keep the ammonia down.
Yeah, I used to work at a Pet$mart. I quit because of some "policies" that just didn' sit right with me.

Are you sure you want to do a fish-in cycle? Changing all that water is alot of work plus it's bad for your fish. A proper fishless cycle is faster and less work.
Yeah, I used to work at a Pet$mart. I quit because of some "policies" that just didn' sit right with me.

Are you sure you want to do a fish-in cycle? Changing all that water is alot of work plus it's bad for your fish. A proper fishless cycle is faster and less work.

You know what? I am kind of regretting from doing so...but I have already purchased them! They were $.99 cents/each (Zebra Danios)...Will Pet's Mart take em back? I might get a plant or an equipment...

With my filter, I dont need an airstone do I?

Just making sure it is enough to keep the water moving...I will be doing daily water changes from now on, and monitor my ammonia/nitrites level...bought the kits and everything.

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