You're overloading your tank - every time you put new fish in large quantities in your uncycled tank - you will get ammonia and nitrite peaks. These will kill your fish and if not kill them, then stress them to such an extent that they will get diseases. Before you put any more fish in your tank, it must cycle. To keep the fish you have, do a lot of water changes at least every other day - remember to put in dechlorinator. This will prolong the cycle but at least keep your fish alive. To cycle a tank can take up to 6-8 weeks, keep checking the ammonia and nitrite levels and keep doing water changes. Until you have enough "good bacteria" to cope with what you already have in the tank - DON'T ADD ANY MORE FISH. Once the tank has cycled, then add new fish slowly, just remember that each time you add a fish, the "good bacteria" has to adjust to cope with the extra load. Good luck!!