I have just come home from the metro centre in Newcastle with guess what...more fish
. However I did have a slight disagreement with the Lps manager. I should have been their store fish advisor. I'm a novice compared with some of you lot but I knew more about fish husbandary than all their staff put together. People were coming in and asking questions about fish and how to keep them and someone said their fish were diseased and what treatment etc. etc. The salesgirl looked blank. This is where I stepped in.(knight in shining armour..I don't think!) It was shocking how many people see pretty fish in a tank and just buy one or two of them without thinking about their environment.I asked about their water quality and did they have filters. Huh!!. The majority of people looked blank. Even the staff didn't understand the principles of filters. They just knew all their tanks had them. I asked to net my own fish, as I was astonished at the way the staff were sweeping the net(s) around the tank chasing the occupants.Fish were jumping out of the water..can you believe it. (One fish lept out onto the floor,the salesgirl picked it up and plonked it back into the tank.) I was shocked and asked for the manager. The reply was it was not their policy to let customers catch their own. After a little persuation, and one manager later, I caught the specimens that I wanted and did it my way! The fish swam into my net not the net into the fish. Time consuming but a lot less stressful for the fish. I also had the fish I wanted and not any old fish that just couldn't swim away fast enough.
Conclusion: If you don't insist you will never know what you are capable of. Advice was given freely also to anyone who wanted it and I tried to drum up a few new members in the process.lol :laugh:
Conclusion: If you don't insist you will never know what you are capable of. Advice was given freely also to anyone who wanted it and I tried to drum up a few new members in the process.lol :laugh: