baby whale.


New Member
Jul 2, 2005
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i took this baby whale of a friend who had it for 2 days and didnt want it anymore.i dont know anything about it or how to care for it.anything would be greatly appreciated.i have him in my 75 gal.tropical community tank.
what are the other fish in your tank? can you post a picture? what size is the whale currently? (all this info will help us to help you)
Baby whales are Mormyrids not catfish Ohhfeeshy, that fish is the whale catfish ;)
I had a baby whale in my 90g. Eventually all the fish were cowering in one corner & the whale had the other 3/4 of the tank. At that point he was about 6-7". I took him back ot the LFS.
it does look like the one in the link from ohhfishy,i have it in my 75 gal.with 2 albino sharks,2 flying fox,2 gouramis,1 pleco,2 mollies,1 beta,1 jelly bean parrot,4 giant danios,1 angel fish2 tetras,4 zebra doesnt come out in the day only at night.
maybe its best if i try to find a new home for it.
And as fast as possible, Cetopsis catfishes are nasty through and through, why shops are selling these as baby whales i have no idea, the fish that truely has the "baby whale" common name is Pollimyrus isidori which is a shy peacefull fish suitable for quiet communities.

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