Baby Tiger Oscar


New Member
Jul 29, 2012
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New Jersey
ok so ive got a 29gal setup. been runnin for a few weeks. i picked up a small 2" jack dempsy and a small tiger oscar maybe a quarter inch bigger. put them in last night after i tested the water and all my levels were solid. ive left the ligths off so they cann acclimate better. the dempsy is eating fine but the oscar is just laying in the plants or laying against the wall on the bottem. i have heard this is common but havent heard too much as to why. is this any big concern, is it life or death or do i just need to relax cause hes just acclimating?
well if he is doing that for a few days and you know that he is not eating then i would return him because he probably got stressed in the trip and has not recovered from it.. if you have warranty on the fish wait until the 2nd last day before you can return him if he is doing the same thing, and switch him out for a very healthy looking one.

also an Oscar should be in a 40+ gallon later on in time, but if he is tiny right now then you still have time before he grows bigger.

sometimes these things happen, but from all the fish that I've had once they did this then they would die in a few days.

oh and you can try giving live food, see if he goes after that.
I've read this somewhere before with cichlids! If he's not moving, it's dead. Some fish tend to just lay at the bottom of the tank--DEAD. If his gills aren't moving, you have to trash him. :(

Also, please do get a bigger tank. The JD is going to be VERY big. The americans are the big boys. Please get AT LEAST 40 gallons. JD's are big fish. Keeping on in a 29 gallon isn't a very good thing to do, let alone 2 cichlids. You can keep the JD in the 29 for now, but buy another tank and cycle it. THEN move the JD into the 40. I'm not sure if you are supposed to keep Oscars with JD's/ :crazy:
ive got a 125 gallon for when their larger. he swims and is active for some time but then hell lay but ive heard around that it isnt uncommon. he has been in the tank barely 24 hours so im hoping within another day or 2 hell be fine cause ive heard they "powt" when u change the tank around or they enter a new home
Maybe. Look closely, are his gills moving, even slightly moving? One of my fish were floating and I almost trashed her but her gills were SLIGHTLY moving. Check if his are moving.
yeah haha his gills are moving, i know for sure hes not dead. hes cruising around right now. but like i said, ill come back in an hour and he might be slanted on the bottom. but ive heard this isnt uncommon among oscars. hes not breating to heavy or fast, perfectly normal at this moment but when i came home and saw him not laying on his side but just kinda leaning against the wall i instantly bugged because i just got him last night. i know theyr both going to get big, this is just a grow tank, then their going to a 55gallon and then their going into a 125 gallon which is definetly good spacious enough. But i just didnt know if it was a big concern if he lays around once in a while. but hes definetly not just laying in one spot and barely breathing, he gets up and cruises around.
It does sound like he's got a touch of the 'oscar sulks', but have you tested the water or done a water change, just to be on the safe side?
water tests came back perfect. he swimming around now, seems the be when the light is on he does it. im assuming hes still just acclimating? like i said, hasnt even been 24 hours yet.
Also, please do get a bigger tank. The JD is going to be VERY big. The americans are the big boys. Please get AT LEAST 40 gallons. JD's are big fish. Keeping on in a 29 gallon isn't a very good thing to do, let alone 2 cichlids. You can keep the JD in the 29 for now, but buy another tank and cycle it. THEN move the JD into the 40. I'm not sure if you are supposed to keep Oscars with JD's/ :crazy:
I would be more concerned about the size the oscar is going to get than I would the Jack Dempsey. I would also be concerned about the temperment that the oscar may take on.

It is not really advisable to keep oscars with other fish but as the oscar is young he will probably tolerate a tank mate for a good while. Be sure to have a back up plan as I have seen oscars decide on a whim that they want to be alone. I am glad to hear that you have a large tank for them when they are older and bigger.

Also, Oscars are very prone to pouting. The most pathetic thing that I ever saw was my 9 inch oscars laying on their sides at the bottom of the tank, acting like they were dying because i did a water change. Quite comical if you ask me. Keep in mind, some oscars are very drama-queenish and will sulk for a week at a time.
I would assume its a stress thing, cichlids are stressy and very rarely like change, especially if they are young.

I would perhaps leave the tank lights off for a day or two to let him settle into his surroundings and start feeling more confident without a glaring bright light meaning he has few places to hide adding to the stress.

Stressed fish are more likely to have low immune systems so you want to do everything you can to alleviate th stress, leaving lights off for a day or two is a major one, making sure he has lots of hiding places is another.

Good luck and hopefully he settles in :)
thanks to you both for the last two comments. i have heard of them sulking but i still get antsy if my fish show any weird behaviour. like i said when the light is off hes acting normal so i figured it was the lighting, i always leav em off for a few days when new fish enter the aquarium. im sure if he was sick on the verge of dying hed be acting a lot more lathargic
Hi hun

I'd relax. Personally if you have an oscar and a dempsey as babies in a 30 gallon tank, with the intention to move them into a 125g tank then just let them chill. I have 2 female oscars in a 100g tank who get on just fine. They have been together since babies.

I also have 2 female jaguar cichlids in a 300 litre without any other fish and they are fine too. It depends on the character of the fish. They will soon tell you if they don't get on by fighting. If your water parameters are good then the fish will be fine.

Just enjoy.

Glo xx

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