Baby Severum Growing Up!


Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
Rochester, NY - USA
My guys are getting bigger, and loosing their stripes!


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Thanks Arashi!! I think he may be a she, but it's still too early to tell. S/He's the one growing the fastest since I got them, but still the second biggest in the tank :)
That pic without the flash is like WHOA what a shot and what a tank! cool looking sevs as well, how long have you had them for??
Thanks for the feedback! :D

dwarfs - Yep, I've got 3 ADF in there. Everyone seems to get along great. All in all I have 3 ADF, 5 Baby Severum (2 Gold, 3 Green), 2 Apple Snails, 2 Ghost Shrimp (they've been in there for about a month, but I'm guessing that some day they'll become cichlid food), a few guppies (also may become food. they were originally in the tank to cycle it but they looked nice so I kept 'em in there), 1 chocolate plec, and 1 clown plec. They're all in a 30 G and I've got another 30 G right next to it that I'll be expanding them into. I assume that within a year I'm going to need to get a much larger tank to house them all. I'm thinking about connecting the two tanks to create, in effect, one 60 G for them to live in.

Nidge - Thanks a bunch :)

Vip - Thanks to you too :) I've had them for about three months now and I think I've worked most of the kinks out. They are my first severum and they eat more than any of the other fish I own. They also seem to prefer the water pretty warm.

Thanks again for the feedback everyone!! :thumbs:

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