Baby Rotkeil Serverum Diary. Hatched 4/3/10


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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My servs have laid their eggs, been watching them over the last 2 hours, however they have no chance of hatching with the other tank mates, I have a tank with approx 2 week old convict fry in, would the fry eat the eggs?
Maybe they wont eat the eggs, but they might the newly hatched fry :crazy: If you do move the eggs, you will need to keep an airstone running over them to simulate the parents fanning them.
Cheers hun, what I thought, they have laid the eggs on the biggest ornament in the tank the rock terrace behind where the tv is, I could just get it in the fry tank, they havnt spawned in the open before and the texas are all in a line above them, but once Jethro wakes up he is going to think its his birthday! I might have to leave them again and let nature take its course. :sad:
i think u should move them and hatch them lol ill buy some when thry are hatched lol:good:
Jethro woke up, make a b-line for the eggs. I beat him to them :lol: I have moved them and managed to move the fry too.
let me know when they r for sale if they will be
Got to see if they hatch first :lol:, but yes if they do I cant keep them all so they will be for sale.
Jethro woke up, make a b-line for the eggs. I beat him to them :lol: I have moved them and managed to move the fry too.

Great, run the airstone around them if you can and remove any eggs that go fungusy before they spread to the others, as the parents would normally do, you will probably find, they spawn again in the next couple of days as you took their eggs away, you meanie :lol:

Oh and remember, I get first dibbs :hyper:
I have no idea how much, I will have to look see what they go for, but I dont usually ask a lot for mine (compared to shops!!!!)

Minxy if they hatch you are having one at least without a doubt hun. I have the aquaball filter with the air flow on them on low the java fern in front of the eggs is fanning nicely, so the eggs are being fanned. I have my tweezers ready for any white eggs. Parents dont look botherd I have removed the eggs, they are too busy dancing in the middle of the tank, Jethro however is giving me a right evil look :lol:
poor jethro he was ready to eat but now they all gone:-(
Jethro will forgive me, he can have a tubifix block all to himself later and a belly tickle lol

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