Baby Moss Balls? Link Inside

"fight most algae"

Well, all plants fight all algae, if you look at it in the right light, since they all need the same nutrients and whatnot to live. AS for actual "fighting" I wonder what sort of weaponry they use...

well you are right on that, from what i read it just said it absorbs the nutrients required from most algae, same as some plants, but anything helps in aquarium right?
They will do *nothing* against algae. :/

Plants fight algae by out competing them for nutrients. A fast growing plant can and does do that, but a Marimo ball doesn't do anything in lower light tanks.

If anyone is looking for an 'algae fighting' plant, skip the marimo ball, shoot for a watersprite or an anacharis, or some such. Marimo balls do exactly one thing: they sit and look 'pretty'. :lol:

*edit: Not implying that's what you specifically want them for, just warning that they're not the most productive plant to add, you know?
Same thing goes with java ferns...

What about java moss, by the way? If one were to look for moss that is fast growing (no prior experience, and more a question for other's benefits than my own).
They will do *nothing* against algae. :/

Plants fight algae by out competing them for nutrients. A fast growing plant can and does do that, but a Marimo ball doesn't do anything in lower light tanks.

If anyone is looking for an 'algae fighting' plant, skip the marimo ball, shoot for a watersprite or an anacharis, or some such. Marimo balls do exactly one thing: they sit and look 'pretty'. :lol:

well Ill take that as well haha, but being an algae im sure they do consume alot of algae nutrients that the plants dont right? its going in a moderate high light tank, 3+wpg. So im sure it will do something.
I've heard mixed things about java moss, really. I've heard that they grow slowly, and quickly, and that they're fragile, and that they're tough as nails. I think with java moss, it really depends on the specific tank you'll be plunking it into.

I have java moss in two of my tanks, and it doesn't do a damn thing. :X I hear it takes 'forever' to get a foothold in your tank, though, but after the initial struggle, finds its niche and thrives.

I've had it about 8 months, with no luck. :sigh:
Same thing goes with java ferns...

What about java moss, by the way? If one were to look for moss that is fast growing (no prior experience, and more a question for other's benefits than my own).

I have yet to get java moss to do anything in a tank yet....but my strands are not the best quality either, when i buy bundles at the LFS 90% are brown and dead looking, others are green. Even in my planted tank though, they seem to just die off and clog the filter.
anyway Cladophora algae (thanks Tempestuousfury) is both good and bad, the good Cladophora (marimo ball) will help fight algae the same way plants do, but the bad Cladophora dont know the exact sp. clings to gravel, java moss driftwood etc etc, and you just cant kill it ! It grows along with plants and will not die when the plants are thriving, im reading around that spot treatment of excel can kill it. I have Cladophora growing at home il try to take a pic and post if it i remember to do so tonight

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