hmmm, right now the breeding tank is a 10G, currently occupied by other fish. I'ts set up with filter, heater, gravel adn all that good stuff. (it's 4 males divided in there), so when i do breed, i plant o take 3 of hte males out and keep them in bowls, clean out the gravel (i heard bare bottom tanks are good).
should i keep the filter in? (i'ts one of those power filter that hangs on teh back, i'm afraid it's going to create too much of a current for the bettas. I coiuld just replace it with a corner filter if thats easier. Obviously the heater will be back in.
So i hsould do something like this while trying to breed:
1) after "renovating" the 10G and turnin ginto a breeding tank with a heater, corner filter nad a few plants, i put in the male, put in the female in a glass chimney (this is assuming theyr'e both conditioned).
2) i put in some liquid fry food at this point so it can grow)
3) put the feamle in and let htem spawn (assuming they do i get eggs). I remove the female, keep the male in there to tend the nest.
4) Fry hatches and becomes free swimming, remove male and nurse him.
5) approxmiately 5 days or so after fry hatches, i start throwing in some BBs...(they're still in teh 10G right now..when do i move them to the grow out tank?)
6) continue feeding BBS, start to mix some crushed bloodworms later on, etc.
Umm okay now my main concern is how/when do i move the fry from the breeding tank to the growout tank?
sorry for all the questions, but i want to get it straight before i start panciking