

Fish Fanatic
Sep 15, 2009
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My female guppy that i have threaded and put pictures up about is being weird!!!
She has got like a small red'ish thing coming out of her anal part... not seen it b4...really worried!!!

Is she close to dropping fry or is this a BAD thing???

Any advice please!!! please!!!

you sure she is not just having a poo (the red from the food)
but keep calm she knows what to do and when to do it
the white part was there like this morning and looked like it was opening, but now its red like a little poo coming out but its not a poo!!!
Can you describe just what it looks like
Like a poo
Like a small ball type
Like a small tube
like a bit of poo but round...about 2mm out of her anal if that!!!... shes swimming fine!!!
But really not sure wots going on!!!
It doesn’t sound serious
If she were mine I would turn the lights off in the tank and let her settle down if she is ready for the birth she will relax better with the light off and without heads peering in on her
Iv got a LED blue night sunset light on which relaxs them... she is now in the breeding net!!! hope she is ok and not aborting the fry!!!
Does she look something like this?:


If so then ask harlequins or read the post "pregnancy problems" That is her platy
No not that bad...loads smaller but cud be the start of it??? not sure maybe she pushed to hard??? aborting the babies??? im really not sure any other advice???
My platy had a red lump appearing when she was dropping fry the other day,it turn out to be unborn embryos,she still had 40 fry but i was very concerned,she seems fine now,they all eventually dropped off.

Turn the lights off and leave her too it,watching her especially with the lights on will stress her out.

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