Is B. Albimarginata a relatively new species? I was looking it up in my new book and couldn't find it, but was printed in 1991. Is there a website you recommend for those who want to read up on this species?
Talk about a slow response
According to the
IBC's page on them, they were scientifically described in 1999, so yes, they're relatively new
The male who wasn't eating still hasn't touched a thing and keeps mouthing like he's re-arranging things in his mouth, so I'm fairly certain he is holding... if he is, he has been GREAT so far, because I've been tempting him with yummy live foods all week just incase *lol*. I can tell he's pretty weak, but there are no obvious signs of illness, so I'm assuming this is because he hasn't eaten in so long. Friday will be the 12th day and the eggs are due to hatch in 12-14 days, so we'll see
. I'm probably going to be gone for the weekend, but I'm going to slip some hose over the filter intake so if fry are released none will get sucked in. I'm hoping he releases early Friday so I can know for sure before I leave and give him a much deserved meal.
Edit: BTW, the one that isn't eating is the male from the very first pic on this thread. He's the better of the two, since the other male's albi margins (white edges on the fins) aren't as clearly defined