Az's New Plant Tank Journal


New Member
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Australind, Western Australia
This is the tank im going to be aquascaping over the next few weeks , will be posting new shots as things progress :hyper:


Tank dimensions are 62 W x 72 H x 39 D cm 130L

Lighting 2x 18W PL lamps 2x Life-Glow 24W

All tips and comments welcome

also tested water chem today from tap : PH 6.6 , KH 6 Deg , GH 5.5 - 6 Deg , PO4 0.5

More soon
This is the tank im going to be aquascaping over the next few weeks , will be posting new shots as things progress :hyper:

Tank dimensions are 62 W x 72 H x 39 D cm 130L

Lighting 2x 18W PL lamps 2x Life-Glow 24W

All tips and comments welcome

also tested water chem today from tap : PH 6.6 , KH 6 Deg , GH 5.5 - 6 Deg , PO4 0.5

More soon

Are you planning a CO2 system? If my conversions are right (84 total Watts, about 30-40gs?), you'll probably need CO2 injection if you have the lighting you plan. Just be prepared. You'll probably have to consider a dosing regimen as well, so kind of start looking at the pinned topics on CO2 and EI. If that is too much for you, you could easily remove either light sets (Though the 2 x 18W are what I would remove if I was lowering the lighting), and still have more than enough to have a nice planted tank. You do what is best for you.

It is a tall tank, so aquascaping this one should be fun. Any plant plans yet? I'd love to see a really sharp contrast between a tall plant and then a very short one. I think that would look interesting.

llj :)
Sounds good, looking forward to seeing this develop.

Nice tank, as Llj says its a tall tank, think that might cause you a few problems with very short plants, so chose your foreground/short plants carefully and get ones that don't require high light :) I think this might be the case even if you have all four light tubes over it.

I would recommend stems such as Rotala rotundifolia and Ludwigia arcuata for the background. The depth of the tank will give a lot of green lower in the stems where there is less light penetrating, but as they grow up and in to the higher light area of the tank you should start to get some nice reds and oranges (not the fruit) from them. Plus they are easy to grow, especially the Rotala.

Ordered 21kg of Red Flourite as substrate (Like the color and texture) , PH controller and C02 regulator . I will be injecting C02 into canister filter inlet so gas is pulverized by impeller but if canister doesn't like that ill grap a ladder, anyhow should all be here by Thursday 12th.

Got a nice piece of bog wood too , boiling it at moment , will post pic soon

I hate waiting :crazy:

Well the substrate has arrived and I have set the tank up :rolleyes:

Well this photo is after 6 hrs of putting water in and basic stemmed plants , water has cleared enough for a photo.

The broad leaf plant which was sold to me as a Melon Sword , I know is not , and i have a sneaking suspicion that it is a terrestrial cousin.

I have ordered some Glosso as well so hopefully ill be able to make a nice bed of it in the foreground as soon as possible.


Not aquatic , but could be wrong



These should grow tall and fill out nicely
Well I have not had any replys since I posted my initial photos after I first planted my tank , but for anyone interested this is the result of EI and maintaining and CO2 with a PH of 6.6, my lighting period is 12 half hours and have virtually no algae.
I'm interested in hearing comments from the more experienced members as this is my first truly planted tank.


The Melon Sword i got locally (Center Left) , and when i got it it was very sad and sorry for itself , but in the couple days I have had it its showing signs of color and two new leaves.

All plants are pearling including a couple constant streams of bubbles coming from some leaves on the broad leaf to the front right

and for all those in doubt EI and C02 is very effective

Hopefully my Glossostigma will arrive this week , been quite a mission to get some.
Front right plant looks like an anubias variety, make sure you don't push the rhizome below the gravel as it will rot.

Plants are growing well, superb growth :)

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