Awwwwwww Poor fishies!!

queengumby, I just want to point out that I did mention that sometimes the animals that are endangered do need our help. But there are also times when they don't. Regardless of our impact on the world, sometimes some animals just aren't made to survive. This process has been going on long before humans were creating greenhouse gasses or encroaching on animals native habitats. This is simply the way nature works. Some animals simply die out as newer animals (and people are nothing more than animals) outcompete them for food, resources, land, or whatever. That is simply nature. But again, I do agree that sometimes some animals need help.

queengumby said:
Actually, I was reading somewhere recently (can't remember where, sorry - think it was in a New Scientist or Scientific American magazine) that the gene that makes these fish glow very slowly releases toxins/causes toxins to build up in the cells that glow, greatly shortening their lifespan.  I definitely disagree with the practice, regardless of whether this is true or not though, mostly because I think we need to stop playing god & serving ourselves, & start caring for what beautiful animals already in existence.  Selective breeding is one thing, but CROSS-breeding is a completely different matter, & one I disagree with on so many levels it's not funny. 

Just my opinion, don't shoot me please.  :)
Until I see an article from a valid and reputable source, I'm going to disregard it as more propaganda meant to scare people into opposing them by using misinformation.

Every time some new technology or medical or biological breakthrough occurs, this kind of hysteria sprouts up. People fortell these great disasters and terrible results and more often then not, they're wrong and nothing nearly as dramatic as they claim happens.

As to the rest of you decrying it as abusing nature or wrong, why aren't you so vehement against Bettas, Goldfish, Koi, Parrots and a 100 other fish? That doesn't even go into dogs, cats and other domesticated animals.
Teelie is right, a lot of our domesticated animals have been bred over centuries for certain desirable characteristics, but the people doing it did not consider the potential problems of singling out so many recessive genes. For example, German shepherd dogs more often than not suffer hip problems, and has anyone ever wondered why mixed breeds are hardier than pedigrees?

As for the glowing fish, I don't think it is worse than dying, as the fish does not go through pain and stress to achieve the result, but I certainly wouldn't buy them simply because I think they are unattractive and look unnatural and eerie :/
The article kind of misrepresents scientific experimentation;

The Taikong Corporation took DNA from a jellyfish and inserted it into a zebra fish to make it shine a yellow-green colour.

They say 'a jellyfish' and 'a zebra fish', making it seem like it worked on the first try. This kind of experiment would have taken dozens, even hundreds, of attempts, no doubt creating abominations along the way. These fish may look cool, but the process taken to make them look that way is cruel.

Aquatic industry specialists are worried TK-1 may be the first of many GM pet fish destined for Britain. In particular, some tropical fish are being bio-engineered to tolerate cold and could colonise UK waters if they escaped, disturbing the present ecosystem.

Aquatic industy specialists are probably not worried about TK-1 being given a GM to tolerate colder waters, but other fish that aren't sterilized and could pose serious threats to the natural environment, such as the piranha, which Derek Lambert brought up.

If the TK-1 fish becomes a profitable experiment, GM to further extents would not be far behind. Fish could be given further unnatural traits that further disadvantage them, but still make them look nicer. It would take off from there, and GM could move to unthinkable places.
Hmmm my apologies to all, I think the info I gave was on fluoresceing danios, which are (I *think*) not yet on the market, or not to the extent of these zebrafish. If these fish were intended for release into the waterways by scientists, they must (I hope) be relatively sure they will cause minimal impact on the environment. Of course things could easily still go wrong, but it's something I guess. I still disagree with this type of cross breeding, because it's unnatural, and as TorPeteO said, the animal testing (torture) involved in getting these guys to the stage where they can be released for a (potentially) useful purpose would be taking thousands of poor fishy lives in a very cruel way. I vote we cut down on pollution so there's no need for these fish in the first place.

Dan - sorry mate, I wasn't picking on you, I agree that some animals are probably destined to die out, but hundreds of species are going extinct every day (phenomenal aint it?!). Much of this is due to humans taking more than they need, and not even giving it to those people who need it most. A major premise of evolution and natural selection is that animals evolve to take what they need to survive and successfully reproduce. IMO, many humans are doing more than this, and other animals are suffering for it. But that's not what this topic's about so let's not argue about it :)

As for the betta/parrot/dog comparison - yes these animals have been selectively bred to the point where many of their natural (& far more desirable) traits have been lost. I still love these animals, but I definitely see where you're coming from, & agree with you - but we'll never manage to stamp that out, so we should just do our best for them. IMO, though, taking the DNA of one animal & implanting it into another (ie. CROSS-breeding, as opposed to SELECTIVE-breeding) is not a good thing to be doing. As TorPeteO beat me to saying ;) - aside from the cruelty claims and all that, it raises the question of where will we stop? It might sound good now, but in the future, I know I don't want pigs to fly or donkeys to talk lol.

Anyways, that's my 2 bobs worth. Happy arguing all!!

Genetic engineering is in the future, and whether any of us want it or not, it isn't going to go away. Banning it will at most make it a temporary relief for the protesters but it won't stop. It will eventually become a standard and become a part of life. Humans rarely ever give up technological breakthroughs, especially kinds like this.

I see nothing wrong with it, provided it is strictly and properly monitored. I am not all for genetically modifying animals just to see what you can accomplish but some of these are valid and useful modifcations and most would never be able to survive in the wild, despite the hysteria and media hype over this or that genetically modified animal getting loose.
If the animal is starting to become extinct, cnahces are it deserves to be. IE. Pandas are dying out cuz noone has sex with each other. We ain't hunting them or destroying their territories, they're just not having babies. That's their own fault! Looks to me like they're being too stupid to exist. Honestly, this question is specifically aimed toward the guys but women feel free to answer, if you were given a choice between sex and dieing out which would you chose? However, the animals like the white tiger who we are hunting to extinction definitely deserve our help. I'm all for experimentation, genetic modification, and technology advancing fast. Shame on everyone who gets upset over animal rights and get in the way of science advancing.
ger87410 said:
If the animal is starting to become extinct, cnahces are it deserves to be. IE. Pandas are dying out cuz noone has sex with each other. We ain't hunting them or destroying their territories, they're just not having babies. That's their own fault! Looks to me like they're being too stupid to exist. Honestly, this question is specifically aimed toward the guys but women feel free to answer, if you were given a choice between sex and dieing out which would you chose? However, the animals like the white tiger who we are hunting to extinction definitely deserve our help. I'm all for experimentation, genetic modification, and technology advancing fast. Shame on everyone who gets upset over animal rights and get in the way of science advancing.
Exactly what i feel :)

im all for gm's. i would love to have the speed of a cheetah the muscles of a gorilla and the sight of a buzzard!

yessss combine the best traits of every animal into one and have a super animal!
Animals dying out isn't so cut and dry as they deserve to be or not. Pandas aren't too dumb to mate, but being a hgher order mammal, they have to learn, and to do that they need to observe other Pandas. There aren't many left because people have hunted them and have demolished their territory. Just because it's not going on now doesn't mean it hasn't been.

On the flip side, some animals are naturally going extinct or are going extinct without having a impact on the environment when they do go. A lot of the smaller animals and creatures, or plants going extinct are not major factors to their environment but get the whole treatment as if they were the key to their environment instead of a fringe species.

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