Actually, I was reading somewhere recently (can't remember where, sorry - think it was in a New Scientist or Scientific American magazine) that the gene that makes these fish glow very slowly releases toxins/causes toxins to build up in the cells that glow, greatly shortening their lifespan. I definitely disagree with the practice, regardless of whether this is true or not though, mostly because I think we need to stop playing god & serving ourselves, & start caring for what beautiful animals already in existence. Selective breeding is one thing, but CROSS-breeding is a completely different matter, & one I disagree with on so many levels it's not funny.
instead of wastin money on makin fish glow, or pop things out of their heads (ok ok too far) why dont they spend good money on tryin to figure out how to help pandas to breed and stuff like that but nooooo we want things that glow, with the help of a black light
Well I guess nightlife20 ment help other animals around the world. And pandas are close to extinction and stuff so people are trying to help them to breed to keep the population up, exept only a number of people are doing this.
Well, it would be good to help other animals. But really though, i have seen documentaries on pandas and i dont feel sorry for them at all! They are so sensitive to everything, they hardly breed, selective diet, etc. Who wants to help an animal that dies when you help it?
Well...I don't know but I don't think we just want to give up on the pandas like that. Anyway I was using the pandas as an example, there are many other animals out there that need help like the White Tiger...I don't want to lose those beautiful animals.
Thanx nitelife at least someone agrees with me.If they did it to humans it would be awful and cruel but because it is fish and they are a lesser weaker species they test on em and make em mutants.
I think they should leave things the way they are meant to be the way they are created in the first place not mess with nature if they were meant to glow in the dark or be different colours they would be that way from the start,they should back off an leave the fish alone its only a money making thing in the long run so more people will buy them.
I'm all for that science, exploration and stuff. And I'm all for saving species from being hunted to extenction. But when the animal is just not adapting fast enough to survive in todays world, I say let it die. Suvival of the fitest and all that. I think man should be able to manipulate his surroundings to his liking. Whether that includes making his fish glow or teaching a dog to fetch the paper. Too many liberals in todays society are screaming about "save the animals", and don't let people touch them and stuff like that. We have to exist in the same world they are, so we are going to have to learn how to share space. Since we can't talk to them and reach some sort of understanding we have to provide them with a habitat that they can live in while sharing our space. The population of humans will continue to grow at an exponential rate. We are going to run out of room quick if we don't start moving into the animals habitat.