Attempt At Breeding

Hi pinkdolphin_113 :)

Congratulations! I hope you continue to keep us informed of their progress. Pictures, if possible, would be great too.

Yes, rinsing out the filter is always a good thing to do, along with water changes, to help corys to spawn. In nature, they spawn at the rainy season when the chemicals in their rivers are diluted by lots of fresh water, so the cleaner your tank is, the better.

Did you get a batch of microworms started. If not, be very careful with the LiquiFry; it can pollute a tank quickly. Even with daily water changes it's hard to keep the water clean.
Did you get a batch of microworms started. If not, be very careful with the LiquiFry; it can pollute a tank quickly. Even with daily water changes it's hard to keep the water clean.

i now know this :angry: i put a small drop in the breeding net for the little fry to eat over a day or 2 and lastnight 4 of the eggs went white! this morning i checked, 2 more have gone white. i wish i hadnt bothered!
would the fry have lasted not eating anything over 4 - 5 days?
There's no need to feed the cory fry much if anything till they've used up they're yolk sac. Then you may be able to get away with baby brine shrimp. That always worked for my bronze cory's and they grow really quick once on the bbs. The biggest thing to do is make sure you keep the water in top condition, when breeding I lost many of my fish due to poor water conditions. Also be sure to take any uneaten food or dead fry out of the tank/net so it doesn't contaminate the good fish.

Other than that, congrats and good luck raising the little fish!
Did you get a batch of microworms started. If not, be very careful with the LiquiFry; it can pollute a tank quickly. Even with daily water changes it's hard to keep the water clean.

i now know this :angry: i put a small drop in the breeding net for the little fry to eat over a day or 2 and lastnight 4 of the eggs went white! this morning i checked, 2 more have gone white. i wish i hadnt bothered!
would the fry have lasted not eating anything over 4 - 5 days?

adding the liduid fry food wouldnt have made the eggs go white m8 if they are white and stayed white it just means they werent fertile in the first place i still have so many stay white even tho mine are constant breeders :( leaving the fry for 4-5 days isnt advised i feed mine within 36 hours of hatching well i have different sized 1's in my fry tank so basically as the others are been fed mircowrom even the newly hatched fry have food it they want it ...... the most important part is they are breeding and u will get 2 know how and when the fry will need feeding and the tank conditions for them :) as inchworm suggested get a microworm culture going this is perfect food for fry and they grow very quick with it 2 :)

i now know this :angry: i put a small drop in the breeding net for the little fry to eat over a day or 2 and lastnight 4 of the eggs went white! this morning i checked, 2 more have gone white. i wish i hadnt bothered!
would the fry have lasted not eating anything over 4 - 5 days?

Hi pinkdolphin_113 :)

I lost a batch of fry when I was away for a week over Thanksgiving. At Christmas I covered the newly hatched fry with squeezings from one of my filters and they ate the microscopic organisms during the first days of their lives. When I returned home most of them were doing fine and started eating the microworms I fed them.
Hi pinkdolphin_113,

I have used liquid fry food but I have only added it 24hrs after they hatch and , only for the first few days. With my first Pepper spawns I used very finely crushed flake (problem being over feeding results in uneaten food + fungus + dead fry).

My last spawn of Bronze Corys I did the same with liquid fry food but, i'm trying Hikari- first bites whitch is a powder. At the moment it seems to be doing fine( just got to learn not to over feed ).

Next i'm going down the micro worm route. For one I've never been ready, for my corys to spawn and, because at xmas I got my 4ltr fridge to keep a cultre in :good: .

As JenCliBee stated it's not because of you adding liquid fry food that your eggs are white, you do get a few that do this.
If you do as Inchworm has said and put the eggs on one side of the tank with the air stone underneath. This will help a lot more eggs hatch. I did this with my last spawn and only lost about 10/15 eggs.

Happy hatching :good:
the airstone underneath the breeding net? ive put mine in it lol to create a type of current through the net, trapping any mess and detritus on the outside of it.

ive just lost another 2 eggs. i do hope they are fungus infected and not going to the next stage of being an egg lol
not to worry too much though! ive just found like another 5 eggs in the net which i must have forgot about.

also, ive just been looking at them (and removing the 2 fungus infected ones) and sucked up an egg which was alone. i noticed a small tail like form coming from the egg. is this the first stage of hatching?? i wasn't 100% so i seperated it from the rest just incase.
i did try spacing all the eggs out so if one became infected, it wouldnt contaminate any others close to it but they all ended up in one place due to the water flow created by the air stone.
now, this might seem a little over cautious or something but none of the white eggs ive thrown have actually gone fury or anything, they havent had the time to go fury. is this right (as in any white eggs should be removed straight away) or should i allow them to go slightly fury before hand?

i will try take photos but i really dont think my camera is good enough to focus on the eggs lol

they're hatching!! i was watching the one i noted earlier, with the tail poking out and i just saw it start jumping around :hyper:
i noticed 2 more eggs had gone white so i went in to suck them up when i accidentally sucked up a clump of 4 eggs. i was like mmmmmneh, no bother, so i put them in my hand (with a tiny bit of water obviously) so i could seperate the fungus infected egg with a knife. this was when i noticed yet another little tail jumping around.

i was shocked! i didnt know what to do. do i quickly put the hatching eggs back into the net with the white one? or do i try and do what i aimed to do. it only took a few seconds like but i do hope i havent damaged the fry that was/were hatching :unsure:

at the moment, i have seen 3 fry are completely out of their eggs. i have no idea how many are to come but if this is it, im pleased :D that 4 babies in my tank lol

lesson to be learned next time... PATIENCE!!!

also, are there any other more affective ways of preventing fungus?
if only 3 eggs hatch, thats like (atleast) 79% of the eggs lost due to fungus... that can't be normal right??
Hi pinkdolphin_113 :)

I'm so happy that you got some of the eggs to hatch. Now comes the challenge of raising them to maturity. I think you've already learned the most important thing about takes patience.

The tiny fry need lots of food and a clean environment, which means lots of water changes. I know some people have raised a few of them in a net, but it's difficult.

Perhaps by the next spawn you can have a tank set up for them. The most important thing to do to prevent fungus is to prevent damage when moving the eggs or to set up a tank, add the spawning group, and move the adults out after they have finished. A small air pump with one or two airstone can then be set up to keep the water moving over them.

You will always get some eggs that are infertile or damaged, but corys produce many of them at a time. Even if some are lost, many will still hatch.

Good luck with the fry. I hope you will post about their progress.
I have had good luck raising cory fry by starting to feed after about 3 to 4 days and the yolk sac is gone. I fed mine whiteworms and frozen baby brine shrimp, Fed them 4 times a day and cleaned the bottom of the tank at least twice a day using an airline so as not to catch any of the fry. I always used a 10 gal tank and put the parent fish in and after the eggs were laid I would remove them back to there main tank.

Here is a pic of some of the albino babies munching on a cube of frozen bbs.
i really wish i had the space for a 10 gallon tank to use for the cories to spawn in, but i dont. i live in a smallish flat in town and there is no space at all lol i do however have a small 4.4 (US) gallon tank, which is like 3.7 uk gallon or something which hasn't been running for a while and has been left to go stagnant.
im thinking about stripping this tank down now and "bare bottoming" it and placing a few pinchfuls of natural pea gravel in the bottom for the fish to hide around etc. (maybe a bunch of java fern to avoid the high nitrate levels once the nitrite spike has gone.

i kno that this is way too small to place my for c.sterbai but i was thinking about using it as an out grow tank.
anyone got any other ideas?

unless i figured a way to get the cories to spawn on a something particular to a can then place that into the smaller tank so the eggs could hatch there. i just dont kno!! :hyper:
Hi pinkdolphin_113

I'm sorry to read such sad news, but please don't give up. Your corys will spawn again and everything you've learned already will help to make the next batch more successful.

I hope to be reading about it soon. :)
okay! more eggs again. i have 22 this time... hopefully the majority will hatch!
i have been cycling a tank with 3 white clouds since the last batch of fry died... this is my new hatching and raising tank.
i put some methyl blue in about an hour before i took the eggs out of the bigger tank and put them in the smaller tank.
is it really supposed to go that blue?? :crazy:

i put the eggs on a glass holder and pressed them down ever so slightly so they stick to it. this way the current of water doesn't blow them away and keeps them in one spot.
they're strategically placed about a centimeter apart from each other so if fungus infects one, it should infect another. only time will tell though.

i will post pictures of my new hatching and raising tank later on :shifty: im well more excited this time!!


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