Ask Questions About Cycling

Ammonia Reading this morning is 1ppm, 
Nitrites are still 0 (not surprised)
I'm sure the NitrAtes are through the roof, should i water change? or should I just wait it out..
Does a high nitrate make the cycle slow down?
Check the pH and the kH... if the pH crashes, as a result of the kH being 'used up', then it will crash.  Likely you are not at that point yet.
Ammonia Update.. 
Ammonia is 0.25ppm
Things are moving forward in a 24hr period. 
So its processing approx 4ppm per 24hrs. 
Will wait till 0 and then full dose again. 
Good Morning Fish Lovers! 
So, we have great news...
I finally have NITRITE!!.... only took two weeks to get here! lol
Did a reading this morning of 0.25ppm
Ammonia came down from 0.25ppm to 0ppm on the 20th of July and I made full dose of 4oz of Ammonia
I have been testing the ammonia every 12hrs since and the ammonia is now 0.5ppm
Now I didn't read nitrite on the 20th or 21st so i'm not sure if it has gotten higher than 0.25ppm
My question for you now is.. what to do?
Should I wait till the ammonia reaches 0.25ppm and snack dose?
Should I full dose?
Thanks in advance..
We're making progress!
I'd wait until ammonia drops to under 0.25ppm.  Check nitrite.  
Then dose back up to 3ppm if the nitrite is under 2ppm.  Dose to 1 ppm if nitrite is above 2ppm.
Checked the tank, ammonia & nitrite is 0
Going to full dose to 3ppm and test in 24hrs. I think we are almost done.
carmstrong said:
Checked the tank, ammonia & nitrite is 0
Going to full dose to 3ppm and test in 24hrs. I think we are almost done.
We are cycled!!!

Did a 50% water change today.. 
Its a lot of work to "Bucket Brigade" 15 gallons of water at 8am haha
Tested the Nitrate and we are at 20ppm
Planning to buy fish tonight (Cichlids here I come!) and water change again on Monday to get the Nitrate under control.
Going to buy little baby Cichlids (unsexed) and watch them grow! 
Super excited 

Thanks for all your help! 

Will post pics of the little ones once I buy them tonight 
  congrats :)
(Bucket changing is a back breaking method btw, a python hose system is MUCH easier ;) )
All I have to say on this subject is a few select four letters words..............................
Ha! Soo true :)

Yes, I'm actually going to be ordering a pump soon.

Purchased the babies today :)
They are soo little!!

I'll post pics in my journal.
(Once I can take a good one, they are fast!)
Hey guys,
Been researching my first true fishless cycle ( using ammonia this time ) and would like some mathematical assistance.
If I have 20 grams per liter of ammonia, what percentage does this equate to?
I'm fairly sure it's 2% but would like someone to confirm.

Also after the cycle is done to 3ppm, How much of the planned stock can I add Initially? Can I add all, a few or a middle amount?
Thank you
Yes 20 grams is 2% of one litre.
You can fully stock the tank once successfully cycled.
Quoted from Cycling Your New Fresh Water Tank fishless cycle article -
"A major benefit of this fishless cycling method is that you can now fully stock your tank in one go. This means an average stocking level for your tank size. It certainly does not mean you can stock heavily or over stock. If for any reason you are unable to stock the tank when it is cycled, you can continue adding ammonia to keep the tank cycled. For this you should add the 1/3 snack amount every 2-3 days. The bacteria do not need to be fed every day and will be fine. Don’t forget the water change before adding the fish."

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