100% NO.
Is'nt the idea of a forum to not only answer questions directly, but also to build a base of knowledge? How many times do the same questions get repeated on here, and you feel like telling people to "Use the search!" (when it works
The point is that a lot of info is ALREADY on here, and you don't NEED to ask every little question, even if you do then other members can post links to threads that have already covered the topic etc etc.
If all that REALLY valuable information gets locked up in some elitist section it's no good to anyone...
I might not be interested in trying the cross breed a Pleco and an Angelfish
at the moment, but if it was dicussed in the 'elite' section and a huge duscussion is had about it, then how annoyed are all those people involved going to be in 2 months time when I DO want to try it, and raise the issue again in the 'normals' section?
Don't segregate the members or the information, the forum is all about sharing knowledge. At the end of the day the only people you might want to shutout are those that don't listen to the advice they are given, and frankly I think they pretty much deal with themselves anyway. ie. they join, they ask, they don't get the answers that fit what they already 'know best', they ask again, they still don't get the answers that match what they 'know', they stop posting, and stop wasting everyones time.