As A Spin Off From The Oldie Members Question

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  • No

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Fish Addict
Feb 3, 2008
Reaction score
turo, devon
You would need a password to get in and need to have been given the password by a MOD who deemed you an experianced and mature member.

This would lead to a sensible friendly smaller group of likeminded individualls each with a wealth of knowledge, it would involve serrious questions from people really wanting propper advice from knowledgeable people and who would take onboard the advice given.

Not a profitable idea IMO.

It's generally the less experienced who need the answers, not the time served and knowledgeable.

If people get that hacked off with the youngsters, they can always build their own invitation-only forum :D
You would need a password to get in and need to have been given the password by a MOD who deemed you an experianced and mature member.

This would lead to a sensible friendly smaller group of likeminded individualls each with a wealth of knowledge, it would involve serrious questions from people really wanting propper advice from knowledgeable people and who would take onboard the advice given.


Don't really see the point. This is a forum people come here to ask questions and to answer questions. This isn't a chat room! Thats exactly what that would be! There wouldn't be many questions being asked seeing how everyone were experienced.
Not a profitable idea IMO.

It's generally the less experienced who need the answers, not the time served and knowledgeable.

Agree entirely.

"individualls each with a wealth of knowledge," --> Not me (yet)
"it would involve serrious questions" --> Me
"from people really wanting propper advice from knowledgeable people" --> Me
"and who would take onboard the advice given." -->Me

Now, without that first qualification, I (and many, many others) wouldn't be able to get in and reap the rewards of the last 3 items.

I like the idea. Its not like we are going to ignore everyone else, it will just be another option to the forum. They could go there for more experienced help. There are so many random, not coherent topics int he Tropical Discussion, ect. areas, that i dont bother with them that much. I hate going thinking someone needs help only to find if they do, they dont care, and if they dont, i just wasted my time.
Further fragmenting the user base is a bad idea. Most people only use a few of the channels, whichever takes their particular interest. There's only so much time in the day to dedicate to foruming. Getting the best and brightest all looking elsewhere doesn't seem to offer any real benefit except ego-boosting. Less experience people find posts about more experienced issues and learn by reading them. Why lock that away?
Further fragmenting the user base is a bad idea. Most people only use a few of the channels, whichever takes their particular interest. There's only so much time in the day to dedicate to foruming. Getting the best and brightest all looking elsewhere doesn't seem to offer any real benefit except ego-boosting. Less experience people find posts about more experienced issues and learn by reading them. Why lock that away?

And that about sums it up, Nonstick.
if that happened all newbeis would get crap advice from other newbies to fish keeping :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
no def not! its a forum for everyone to interact together
Spot on Shelagh
I see no call for elitist locked forum sections.
Not a good idea IMHO
Absolutely terrible idea. The older members leave because there is nothing here to interest them. It will still be the same people in this U83R L337 forum as the rest of the forum, that is: still nothing to make them want to stay. I think there was some consensus that a problem for the forum is the lack of ability of the members to interact outside of discussing fish. Creating an even more serious area does not address that issue.

Suppose I get into this U83R L337 forum and comment about trying to get a frogfish to breed. I've got even less chance of getting an answer of use to me because someone has to prove themselves in the general forum before getting to answer my forum; even if Theodore W Pietsch or Uberfugu themselves joined the forum, they wouldn't be able to answer my thread. Response: I wouldn't bother posting in the U83R L337 forum and it dies a death.

I remember when nmonks had only recently joined the forum. Just think how much good advice would have been missed on brackish tanks by not letting him into the area.

And then there are the logistics of such an U83R L337 forum:

How do we decide who is worthy of U83R L337 status?

What counts as a serious question?

How will we know that someone is knowledgeable on the subject in question?

Would we be hit with the Banhammer for not following advice from knowledgeable people?

I say it is a bad idea all round and would do nothing except have the potential for a "them" and "us" syndrome to develop.
Definitely not.I've gotten invaluable help and advice(and a bit of craic) from people who i wouldn't have had contact with if this were set up.

And i've never liked elitest groups anyway.Who's to decide who's 'special' enough to get in ?

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