

May 16, 2004
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Ok...I'm new to water testing.Bought a 5 in one kit without reading closely enough.Turns out it tests for nitrite but not for ammonia.The nitrite level in my 10g is a tad high.Should I assume the ammonia would also be high?I did a 20% water change.My other tank and my bowl are fine.The 2 fish in the 10g are a fantail and a koi awaiting a larger home.I probably feed them a bit much and they are voracious eaters.Any good tips to stabilise the nitrite?Also,my water reads as very hard.Is it a problem,and if so,what can be done to solve it?Would adding distilled or spring water help any?


I'd go get a separate ammonia test so you can get the whole picture...
also wouldnt surprise me if the ammonia was high in the 10 gal as those two fish will produce a ton of ammonia waste. Which is probably why you have also got a high nitrite reading. But if they are soon off to bigger digs then all should be well for them. Just keep up the water changes. :)
We had teh same problem with hard water. Our hard water was so hard it was off the scale. This caused our ph to keep bouncing up. If the water is hard, it will gradually increase the ph and you will be fighting a losing battle with the ph. What we had to do is find a bottled water source that has a ph of 6.2 and a hardness of 0 to start. Then we mixed roughly 70% bottled water to 30% tap water. This got the ph to around 7 and the hardness into the midrange.
vantgE said:
you do have a large pond for the koi right cause they need about 1000 gallons each
No pond yet...

I'm new to keeping fish.One of my first mistakes was believing the info provided by the store :no:

Just tested my spring water.It's even harder and more alkaline than tap :S


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