Arowana pictures

nice fish
btw has an australian arrowana got anything to do with saratoga?
bluefire said:
nice fish
btw has an australian arrowana got anything to do with saratoga?
Australian arowana's are known as Saratoga in their native land, this one (Scleropages jardini) is known as the Gulf Saratoga.

In captivity they should max out at around 24", i have certainly never heard of one larger but in the wild they have been recorded over 36" in length.
he probably costs more to feed than the kids! :lol: JK'

Nice fish. Lovely tail! Are you expecting him to grow any larger?
Your not wrong about the feeding :lol: this guy can put away a couple of quids worth of food every day if you go by LFS food prices, ive known it to eat as many as 5 large mussels and still have room for a few whitebait (small fish).
I'm hoping it wont get much larger, another 4 or 5 inches and that should be it, if not then i guess i'll be looking for an even larger tank.
Australian arowana's are known as Saratoga in their native land, this one (Scleropages jardini) is known as the Gulf Saratoga.

i saw one in my lfs once, they are cool looking fish, the one i saw was only like 6" tho.
CFC said:
Australian arowana's are known as Saratoga in their native land, this one (Scleropages jardini) is known as the Gulf Saratoga.
let me guess..... Australia?


Awesome Aro B)


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