Armoured Bichir, Black Ghost Knife


Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
My LFS has both of these (get them every shipment), and I was wondering if they required any special care.

I looked at the profiles and it said they were fish that liked meaty foods, and fairly large. WOuld a 100Gallon be large enough?

ANy other notes, such as if they'll eat other fish, or anything? I love the way they look.

Also, what meaty foods should I feed.
i think a 100 gallon would work. i know that the BGK gets pretty big and is nocturnal so you'll need to feed them when the lights go out. they send an electircal current out to find food which shouldnt harm any of the other fish, they will need a cave to hide in and as for the food, bloodworms should be fine, and like most fish they will eat any fish that will fit in their mouths, so try not to put them in with any fish any less then half their size. i dont know much about the armoured bichir though.
Blood worms will be fine while they are smaller. After that you can start to add other stuff. I prefer frozen prawns myself as they are very easy to get from most shops. I think other people use white bait and meal worms for the larger predators.
i have bichir!!!
so i can help u with that info!!
for the bichir u can feed him cichlid pellets!!!
give it small cichlid pellets they love'em!!
u can also put in feeder guppies and they will disapear in the night!!
feeder fish would do on an occasional basis. the rest could be made up with pellets, preferably sinkers
I wouldn't recommend Guppies. Besides the obvious higher cost of buying them, why feed a fish which is a good pet in itself to a fish that would be just as happy with frozen prawns etc...
Feeders are totally unrequired, there are so may other options which are better for the fish and also cheaper. Prawns, Shrimp, Live Bloodworm to name a few. As long as you are aware of the full size these 2 fish get to and be ready for a tank suitable they will be fine.

Im sure the biggest Ghost Knife ive seen was about 26" so make sure your tank is at least 3 times that length if you want the tank to last the fish's life
I think after reading your emergency post the last thing you should be doing is buying fish
My point was that you are struggling to keep beginner fish, i really wouldnt be looking for anything more specialised until i was confident with these and could easliy and happily look after them without problems.
My point was that you are struggling to keep beginner fish, i really wouldnt be looking for anything more specialised until i was confident with these and could easliy and happily look after them without problems.
I wasn't struggling with them, I went out and they all died.

They were fine when I left. Active, eating, then just poof, I have a tank of dead fish.
exactly my point!

You lost all your beginner fish, you should learn to keep them before moving to something harder. Its going to be far more beneficial to you and the fish. You dont loose everything in a tank without something being seriously wrong!
bichirs are pretty adaptable to most waters and also allow air at the surface because bichirs only breathe air.
my bichirs are not even big enough to eat prawns yet there like 6 inch and prawns are way to big for there mouths.
why judge people on how they care for the fish?
if they wanna feed there fish feeders let them its their fish their choice not yours!!!!
Ur right, but if they ask for advice why cant I say that feeders aren't necessary?

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