

Nov 26, 2006
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Im screwed. I have 4 female guppies that are due to have babies on the 12th of febuary. So, yeh. I am gonna be loaded with babies. I was thinking if getting a betta to feed em to. (well atleast some) or i will have my mom call the lfs and see if they want some.
can YOU please call the local fish store...because from the sounds of it, your mom isn't raising your fish :)

- b/lab -
If you are unable to house the fry, separate males and females now. You'll get more fry for a while though. Getting another fish to feed them is not really the best bet. One fish won't be able to keep up most likely anyway.
Stick a green terror in the tank and only keep the survivors.

Just kidding. Your LFS will probably take them, but don't expect store credit. They can be expensive, but fish stores generally don't like to pay for fish ;)
Stick a green terror in the tank and only keep the survivors.

Just kidding. Your LFS will probably take them, but don't expect store credit. They can be expensive, but fish stores generally don't like to pay for fish ;)

I doubt they'll take them right away. Most LFS won't take homegrown livebearers until they're at least half an inch long.
Ohh yeah. Forgot about that. Thanks darkmoon. I haven't had guppies in so long that I forgot about space issues as well. I had to wait a couple weeks before my LFS would take my 8 convict babies, and I'm sure it's the same for guppies/livebearers in general. Usually they just don't have the space right away. Ask anyway
Feed them to the parents if you dont want the babies.

Unfortunately, this doesn't always work. I had a Platy give birth in my tank last night. I found about ten fry swimming on the top of the water, not being bothered by the other Platies, Mollies, or Gouramis, all known fry eaters. You just can't rely on fry being eaten unless you're not feeding your fish regularly, and even then some fry just never get eaten. They move around like the boss of the tank.

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