Argh! Got So Many Ideas In My Head!


Mar 23, 2008
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GAHH!!!!!! I've got atleast 3 ideas in my head, and I don't know what to go with. I want to go with my original plan but, might aswell, when this is planned out, make a poll and see which you guys choose. Also, anyone mind getting some of the well known guys in the various sub forums to help out. Everyone can help me. I'm just struggling. I'm distracted in class cause my usual free space if in use with all this. My grades have taken a hit (gone from an A in science to a C in 2 weeks). Also, I may ask about alot of different fish. Just warning you. Ohh, never told you what tank. It's a 100 USG, 48x18x23 (LxWxH). I don't actually have it yet but, getting it for christmas.
Also, all set-ups will have the same Filtration. 2x HOB (don't know which model, these are 5-10 yrs old), 2x good internals. Also, you don't have to revovle around the fish I list unless said for cetain fish. Note: Those fish will be in bold.

Plan 1: Mixed Community
1x Severum
4x Rope/Reed Fish
6x Denison Barbs
1x Farowella Catfish
4x Geo spp. (name a good looking common one)
8x Bosemani Rainbows
8x Columbian Tetras
2x Rapheal Catfish
4x Hoplos
3x Pictus
4x USD Catfish

Plan 2: Aggressive Community
1x Leporinus
1x Ornate Bichir
1x Senegal Bichir
1x Carpintis Cichlid
1x Female Convict
1x Green Terror
1x Royal Pleco

Plan 3: Small Community
10x LF Zebra Danios
10x Gold Zebra Danios
20x Harlequin Rasboras
4x Pearl Gouramis
6x Dwarf Gouramis
4x Otto
1x Flying Fox
6x Diamond Tetras
6x Black Neon Tetras
10x Neon Tetras
10x Glowlight Tetras
10x Cherry Barbs
10x White Clouds

Suggestion from truckasaurus123
100x small shoaling fish ex.: Neon Teras , Harlequin Rasboras.
4x Pearl Gouramis
6x Dwarf Gouramis
4x Otto
1x Flying Fox

Suggestion from Amberleaf
20x Female Bettas
30x White Clouds
15x Female Platies

Plan 4: Large Community
10x Bosemani Rainbows
10x Congo Tetras
4x Bristlenose Plecos
10x Columbian Tetras
4x Pictus
4x Hoplos
(help me here)

Plan 5: Oddball Tank
2x Black Ghost Knifes
2x Hondoran Red Points

Remamber, you can add and remove on these ideas and also add ideas if you want. You can't part with the bold fish cause these are what I really want. Come on, I need help real bad and try to get people like Nelly, Cichlid_Crazy, N_Monks, Minxy, and Big_C (Maybe able to add some killies in)
I would go for plan 3: but I would change 1 thing.

go for only one species of shoaling fish, believe me a shoal of 100 harlequins or 100 neons will look spectacular!
I really want a variety. Plus, be kinda hard to know exactly how many fish in a big shoal. Will add under plan 3 your suggestion.
Hmm.... How about.... Hmm, which of those fish are suitable with Bettas.... ^v^;

20x female Bettas
50x white clouds
15x female platies

White cloud mountain minnows can do well in temperatures around 74-74•F, *and*, believe it or not, Bettas like those kinds of temperatures, too! WOW! I would never have guessed! :lol:

Well, anyways; this is what I would do.... OTHERWISE.... Whoops, gotta go; well, I'll tell you some more suggestions LATER! :)
Well, may even look into that if 2 ppl agree. Need more. Gonna go later to get adhesive to fix 30 Tall USG. Also, will add amberleaf. keep them coming ppl.
i like the first one coz i like all the catfish but the on that truck said would look amazing with a shoal that big.
You would like it Kizno, you suggested half of the catfish.
You would like it Kizno, you suggested half of the catfish.

haha :D they are all nice catfish though but yh i think that one or trucks are the best

or you could get 50 bigger tetras like serpae tetras and then you might be able to have a few of the catfish :D
Gonna get ahold to Minxy and Dave-Oddballs
what about
1x Severum
4x Rope/Reed Fish
1x Farowella Catfish
2x Rapheal Catfish
4x Hoplos
3x Pictus
4x USD Catfish
25x bigger tetras
I like the top one, thats the one I would personally go for I think. For the Geos I would go with redheads for a tank that size or something medium around 8" like stinies (steindachneri), those are not personally my thing but a bit different.

I know what you mean about writing out fish lists and none stop thinking lol I am the same, I manage to get by my self on my part time job and just scrawl out plans for hours.

I think once you have the tank set up the first fish you get will kick off which route you go down. For example if you get a sev then you wont be able to get the smaller fish or vice versa. I would maybe pick two lists, research both and get to an LFS when its set up and then choose on the day. Trust me if you see a Sev on a day you know you can get one and you can walk away you know a small community is what you want :good:
Well, I bet when the tank is set-up, I will still change around alot. I may go for plan 1, but some fish die off and I put in something from another list. One of my tanks, I was going Asain but, one day saw the HRP pair and went for it.
First off it's an 86 usg not 100gal. #1 IMO is over stocked. I like #2 with only one Bichir.

Why not just get a severum and slowly build around it. Have some good size tetras 2 other cichld same temperment as the severum some Cory cats one goldnuget pleco

1x severum
1x port acara
1x Festivum
8x Columbian Tetras
4x Hoplos cats
1x Farowella Catfis
8x Buenos Aires Tetra

that would be a good amout and all south American. It should be a peacful fun tank to watch. That would be what I would do.

Now get off the computer stop thinking if fish and go do your home work. :)

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