This is very interesting to me. While it is about marine fish it does make me think about planted tanks with Co2 pumped into them. Of course with plants consuming the Co2 the fish shouldn't notice but if the balance is off then you could end up with drunk fish!
"CO2 can concentrate in the bloodstream of reef fish, and they will eventually suffer the effects of hypercapnia due largely to inadequate respiration (not enough oxygen getting to their brains and organs). Fishes suffering from this malady show signs of disorientation and poor judgment; they lose their sense of direction and also become unreasonably emboldened, losing their healthy fear of predators. Essentially, they act drunk."
"CO2 can concentrate in the bloodstream of reef fish, and they will eventually suffer the effects of hypercapnia due largely to inadequate respiration (not enough oxygen getting to their brains and organs). Fishes suffering from this malady show signs of disorientation and poor judgment; they lose their sense of direction and also become unreasonably emboldened, losing their healthy fear of predators. Essentially, they act drunk."