Are These Male Or Female Please


New Member
Jun 30, 2012
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heya there just wanted some help sexing these and if you think they are big enough and old enough to breed yet thankyouu

you need to click on the images and they wioll enlarge
I'm just trying something here... if it works... I'll do the rest


how did you do that and do you no what sex they are please
males, both of them.

caution - males do not get along very well at all.
cheers will have to get a female would like to breed them thanks
adding a single female will not be a good idea. The female will be harrassed by the males, get stressed and possibly die.

The general rule with DGs is 2+ females for one male and ideally only one male in the tank.
Zoddyzod is right 2 males will torment each other to death. Adding a single female will only make it worse as they'll both compete for her & possibly chase her to death. The DG in the first pic looks very light colored and is probably being dominated by the more colorful one.

How big is the tank you keep them in? If it's large you may be able to add at least 4 females.............even then you're taking your chances.

Most shops don't even have females in stock because they aren't as colorful. You may be able to get them to order them for you.

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