Are There Any?


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2007
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Are there any commonly available shrimps that dont need heaters?

im looking at a low cost to run tank for shrimp with only lights and a filter and am wondering if any of them can survive without a heater.
cherry shrimp can, though I suggest slowly lowering the heat till you don't need the heater. They will be fine, but they may not breed or will breed very slowly.
apparently all shrimp are actually cold water, but can tolerate warmer water. i have amanos in unheated water

my new shrimp tank will have no heater and will have crystal red shrimp
I will be interested to see how that goes. How long untill they are in it.

Please can you keep me updated as i am interested in crystal red shrimp but dont no wether they will be ok.
Fair enough. if all goes well for you i will be looking at copying that idea.
all my shrinps are in unheated tanks but the water temp dont drop below 20 and they are all fine
crystal red, crystal black , cherry , amano , babulti , tiger , green and malayian - (not in the same tanks as to stop hybridisation)
Thanks pippoodle, have either of your crystals bred? and i they have, have you got any overstock.

filter should be arriving tommorow. will go straight into my established tank to cycle the filter.

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