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Apr 1, 2014
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Hi everyone!
I have a small filtered tank that I felt only suitable for snails. I currently have three baby snails I assume are apple snails (please feel free to correct me if I am wrong!) I got the little guys/girls from a pet store about two weeks ago and they're already growing. 
Two out of three of the snails have been entangled on-and-off. At first, I thought maybe they were cleaning each other's shells. But then I noticed that what I assume to be the male snail getting behind and on the side of the female and then staying like this while swaying and suctioned on the side tank glass. I've seen them do this at least four times. The two who are maybe mating are getting bigger and the one snail that is not involved is noticeably smaller. I have been feeding them cucumbers, strawberries, and fish food in safe quantities. 
About three days ago, I noticed a c shaped clear "sac" with multiple white dots in it against the tank glass! I think it might be eggs, or hopefully not a parasite of some kind. I see little white dots in way smaller clear sacs on three other parts of the tank. I also see a couple little bunches of white dots in clear jelly-looking sacs on the rocks at the bottom. 
I will be attaching a picture but can someone please help me out here? Are these eggs? If so, when should I suspect them to hatch if they're healthy? Thank you!! :)
Here is a picture:
I apologize, both my camera and phone camera could not get a decent picture.


  • photo 4.JPG
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i think those are eggs, that being said, they are not from an apple snail (probibly a different snail species not sure what one).  gestation period very between species but probably within 2-3 weeks (just a guess)
Definitely looks like snail eggs.
I had similar shaped eggs, transparent and jelly like, mine were common / pond snails that laid eggs like that.
Thank you both mnlymandan and charlie! 
I might be the only person excited for pond snails repopulating. BUT..... 

I appreciate the help so much! 
After writing my last post I examined the snail tank and saw the brand new nails hatching! At first I saw the "little white dots" had moved from the sac. I marked a point in the tank next to one little white dot and watched for five minutes and indeed one of the  white dots   baby snails had moved. There's 27 more to hatch and another 5 sacs with 10 snails in each. Looks like I'm off to get another tank.. lol 
Thanks again! :)
tleighannt said:
Thank you both mnlymandan and charlie! 
I might be the only person excited for pond snails repopulating. BUT..... 

I appreciate the help so much! 
No prob! glad i could be the helper and not the helpee for once!
Yah, definitely snail eggs, seems like they are currently going at it a lot recently in my gf's tank too they're popping up everywhere.
If you were closeby I'd donate my female apple snail.
I have a RCS tank and there are snail eggs every where on the moss the side of the glass and even on some of the larger pieces of gravel I have two Ramshorn snails who have very similar egg sacs, loads of pond snails who also have similar eggs and a Mystery snail who does not have any eggs.mystery snail eggs usually are big orange clumps of eggs on the glass just over the water level.

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