Are my fish STUPID?

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Fish Crazy
Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
The few losses I've had have been mostly caused by fish getting stuck in a hole in a rock or shell - are my fish of below average intelligence or is this normal behaviour? :(

And it's not confined to a single breed - I've lost a neon tetra and a guppy this way!

Do your fish get themselves into a hole they can't get out of and expire?
Yep, that's happened to a zebra danio and I think a guppy of mine before, too. My grandma even lost a betta this way. THere is such thing as smart fish--like oscars, for instance--but generally speaking, guppies, tetras, and other smaller fish are not exactly the brightest stars on the horizon.
Fishes frighten very easily, and to try and escape attention, they'll try to hide themselves away into the nearest nook or cranny.

A big human hand splashing in the water can cause havoc, as well to inter-fish aggression.

Knowingly, I've had one Leopard Danio die of human fright, and one Tiger Barb die of fish-related aggression. Both died by jamming themselves into a hole they couldn't get out of.

As for being stupid, I think trying to eat the same floating fish-poo for the second/third time running can be classed as 'stupid'. Some fishes forget too easily.
I piece of floating fish poo probably looks very like another. do you think you could differentiate between different btis of poo if you lived underwater? :D
If I was a Danio, or some other small fish, my brain would be the size of my eye, and as a result wouldn't have the capacity to make a distinction between this and other bits of poo.

If I was a shark, bigger fish, I'd probably avoid the same piece of poo, and go for something tastier.

I wonder are there fishes out there that hunt and co-ordinate attacks on prey. I don't think there are any out there, but I could be wrong. Generally, I don't think fish/es are that bright.
yes there are..the first documentation are of a group of nurse sharks that anually trap a HUGE group of seals on land and wait until they come back....its a FULL line of 10 foot sharks all working together to get thier food...spooky :unsure:
The few losses I've had have been mostly caused by fish getting stuck in a hole in a rock or shell - are my fish of below average intelligence or is this normal behaviour? :(

Er, they are fish! Maybe your expectations are too high. I don't expect to see them on the Weakest Link or Countdown.

They respond to danger...... OH! look, theres a small dark hole, I think I'll wedge myself in there. And seconds later.... Ah! crap, I'm screwed!

Heh, go figure!

Just remember that they are fish, and lead simple lives.

Don't expect to have fish prodigys that play the piano at an early age or solve complex equations. :p
Narayan said:
They respond to danger...... OH! look, theres a small dark hole, I think I'll wedge myself in there. And seconds later.... Ah! crap, I'm screwed!
It's not just limited to fish either.

When my cat was a kitten, someone knocked loudly at the front door and scared the bejezzus out of her, she squeezed behing the kitchen units to hide, but couldn't get out.

I had to dismantle half my fitted kitchen to rescue her!
oh God that was terrible...... the joke that is :D

Anyways all my fish are crazy, I mean you ever seen a sane fish solving complex equations?
Stryker said:
what? your fish cant solve complex equations?
what can you? yes, then try this :p

how far will "C" travel in 12years if 1 light year is X and
C= 60x60x24x365.25x12? :p :p :whistle:

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