Are My Fish Compatible

3 of the tetras are neons the other 3 ???? i can not remember but sure it starts with a d---- but i can not find a pic of them ever i will put a picture on here soon tonight ot tommorrow

If the tetras are of different types, each of those types need to be in groups of at least 6, preferably more. I'm not sure how that will go down stocking-wise, but you should have more of each type in there IMO.
If I were you, I'd choose your favourite and up their numbers.

As for the other type of tetra, look through this list here:

That list should have the other type of tetra on there, though there are none beginning with 'D'.
Are you thinking of Danios?

Nice looking tank. How about some more plants (eg those green ones you have in there) for extra cover (just thinking of the gouramis here)?
3 of the tetras are neons the other 3 ???? i can not remember but sure it starts with a d---- but i can not find a pic of them ever i will put a picture on here soon tonight ot tommorrow

If the tetras are of different types, each of those types need to be in groups of at least 6, preferably more. I'm not sure how that will go down stocking-wise, but you should have more of each type in there IMO.
If I were you, I'd choose your favourite and up their numbers.

As for the other type of tetra, look through this list here:

That list should have the other type of tetra on there, though there are none beginning with 'D'.
Are you thinking of Danios?
Youre probably thinking of danios like pablo said.
In the penultimate picture of yours, in the top right, you can see three danio-like fish.
Danios are not strictly tropical, nor strictly coldwater - they can tolerate both, generally preferring a low tropical temp or a slightly higher coldwater temp i think...? Ive never kept them, so im no expert. :/ But if i were you i would probably go with the neons because they are truly tropical fish, but its totally up to your personal preference. But neons are sometimes more susceptible to disease ive heard... not sure about the truth in that cos ive only kept glowlights and harlequins in the tetra/rasbora group. Anyone to confirm that as true or false?
Well, again, totally up to you. :)

Also, am liking the tank - its looking good :)
loving your tank, not overstocked for me. one thing i will say is sometimes its good to run either a filter thats suitable for an aquarium much bigger than the one you have or add an extra smaller filter to help the one you have in already.
i plan to get an extra filter and power head soon and 3 more neons the other 3 fish i will go to the shop i got them and see if they still have them so i can get the name of them
the 2 male dgs dont fight they chase each other from time to time but i come back in to the liveing room the other night at 2 am and they were under the bogwood asleep together
is this normal for them ??????????? lol thanks for looking
Your Dwarf Gouramis "should" be OK, I have that exact tank with 3 males, there aggressiveness is severely overrated IMO. I'm not saying they don't nip at each other but provide plenty of cover and they'll be fine.

Oh and on the cloudiness I had a piece of wood that was leaking sap, this caused if for me, is there jelly like stuff coating it?

From my experience, all Gourami males are aggressive, Dwarf Gouramis included. Even females establish their own dominance amongst themselves. Stress in a tank can cause Ich as well as lower the dominated fish's immune system.

I also understand that in nature things aren't always picture perfect but if you're looking for that kind of a semi-aggressive setup you might as well go for a Cichlid tank. :good:
I have 14 Neons in a 20 gallon tank and it looks awesome when they school............ I highly reccommend getting a lot more, over time of course. Your tank can have a very large school since Neons aren't a big bioload.


Awesome tank by the way, I have a Powder Blue Dwarf male just like that one you have. Are both Dwarves Powder Blues?

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