Are Mollies agressive at all?

Epicenter said:
I'd *REALLY* have to disagree. Lagger's tank is impressive. The danios school with the guppies (nothing I've ever seen happen!) .. and they all seem quite content. Ammonia levels are not bad at all (he makes sure to test and treat the water often.) Same for pH. I can't stand to see Bettas in a tiny tank-- it's depressing. When trapped like that, they mostly stop moving except to eat-- they seem to go into a hibernation-like torpor wherein they do NOTHING! I *hate* seeing them like that.

As for the mollies .. if they attacked my fish they'd get stern treatment. :p If I were in a lousy mood, the attacker molly would likely get THE ROYAL FLUSH. But Mardock (the betta) took a big gash out of it. So I think it learned its lesson .. ;D

I run a similar tank minus the Betta. Approx. 6 guppies and 5 danios, plus 4 ghost shrimp on the bottom to keep things tidy. Same model of tank (not same brand, but same design). I use a Whisper 2-5gal filter on the 5 setting, an air pump with single stone, and a high-quality ceramic heater. I keep the water at 84 and the guppies are always very fertile like that. An infection wiped out most of the fish so I had to start anew-- very depressing picking out dead fish when nuking the empty tank with alcohol-- but all is well now. Looks like I might have more babies soon. One of the bigger guppies is demanding her privacy and hiding in a corner as far from the current as she can-- keeping to herself. Seems quite suspect she's pregnant. Or just antisocial. ;)

But yeah, no real major problems .. the fish get along great as can be expected. No major biological stressors and I am very good at picking up on minute things like that. His tank even seemed in better harmony than mine minus the mollies which I did not bear witness to.
if you don't like to see a betta in a small tank then why would you like to see him crammed with 4 times as many fish than should be in such a tiny tank
it would have more room in a 2 gallon bowl with a plant and cave
then he would have plenty of room to swim and dive, and if fed blood worms he will be VERY active and healthy

as for the mollies
fish do not have the same morals or intelligence as people do :rolleyes:
the agression was caused by a misinformed, unexperienced newbie
this does not mean anything negative towards lag, as he/she could be the best fish keeper in the world some day, but he/she is only learning
the fish should not be disaplined for ANY reason as being territorial is in their nature and it was the keepers mistake

and lastly, just because you have a simular set-up and lags fish are harmonized does NOT mean that it is ok to cram so many fish into such a small space

i encourage your idea of getting a new tank
a 10gallon with your 5 gallon still up and running should be great
its the cheapest at walmart or petceters
yep mollies are nasty horrible fish...i hate them. :angry:

i also agree with the others.that tank is far too small, i would even say it was too small if it was twice the size.

also danios arnt really a good choice with a betta.. especially in such a tink tank
I now have a 10 Gallon tank. I only have the betta in there right now to let him heal.
Hey, human nature is to kill each other, but we don't do it. We can do otherwise with some encouragement. I choose to run my tanks the same way-- if my fish misbehave-- in their nature or not, I'll put a stop to it. If that means toileting a new fish that hurt one of my long-time finned friends, so be it. :p

As for crowding-- really, I know it when I see it. These guys are NOT crowded. And bettas really do not seem that thrilled with small empty tanks, they are more intelligent than other fish. Their much higher cranial capacity means they ARE capable of boredom and putting some other fish in for them to look at or follow around helps their attitude a lot. Bettas I've had in community tanks seem to do better and live longer than those in little glass bowls, as well.
Epicenter said:
Hey, human nature is to kill each other, but we don't do it. We can do otherwise with some encouragement. I choose to run my tanks the same way-- if my fish misbehave-- in their nature or not, I'll put a stop to it. If that means toileting a new fish that hurt one of my long-time finned friends, so be it. :p

As for crowding-- really, I know it when I see it. These guys are NOT crowded. And bettas really do not seem that thrilled with small empty tanks, they are more intelligent than other fish. Their much higher cranial capacity means they ARE capable of boredom and putting some other fish in for them to look at or follow around helps their attitude a lot. Bettas I've had in community tanks seem to do better and live longer than those in little glass bowls, as well.
your actually trying to compare human intelligence and morals to fish?
i won't even get into that
you can do whatever you want to your fish but to me it seems childish to throw something away, or rather sentence it to death, because of a mistake on your own part
you should research all angles of a fishes compatibility, behavior, and basic needs before doing what you want
its just common sense
to flush it is like drowning a cat in a bag because it scratched up your furniture when you did not supply it with a scratching post - something needed, as scratching to keep the claws down is in a cats instincts
just because a fish is cheaper does NOT mean that it is disposable

and you can beleive what ever you want about how many fish can fit in there,
hell you can put a billion fish in that dinky little thing, (which i sincerly hope you don't)
ask anyone on this forum that have had fish for years and years and most, if not all, will tell you that that tank is crowded

sorry to sound so hostile but it is not directed towards you in general, since i have no idea what kind of person/fish keeper you are,
it is directed towards this topic and is expressed strongly IMO

LAG- good luck with your fish,
you did the right thing by getting another tank
beleive me, you will be rewarded with healthy active fish, that will have a much better chance living full long lives ;)

good luck to your betta :flowers:

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